Dr. Knowles’ academic memberships include Academy of Human Resource Development, International Leadership Association, Strategic Management Society, and the Center for Scholastic Inquiry. She is Chair for Broward Workforce Development Board, Inc., their Executive Committee and Organizational Resources Committee. Her current research interests include human resource development, neurodiversity and learning organizations. She has also published research on the recreation marine industry, women in the marine industry, and entrepreneurship. She presently teaches Organizational Behavior, Organization Design and Theory, and Qualitative Research Methods, while also serving as Dissertation Chair for several of DBA cyber security and sports administration doctoral students. Dr. Knowles served as Adjunct Professor (2003-2006), Assistant Professor (2007-2012), Associate Professor (2013-2020) and promoted to Full Professor (2020 – present). She is Advisor for STU Caribbean Student Association and Phi Beta Lambda student groups.
- Knowles, L. J. and Styles, J. K. (2020). From academia to industry: C-suite perspectives on neurodiversity in the workplace. Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Business, 11(1). (pending publication, December 2020)
- Styles, J. K. and Knowles, L. J. (2020) Why become a learning organization: Measuring the dimensions of learning at the University of the Bahamas. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(4).
- Styles, J. K. and Knowles, L. J. (Fall, 2019). Human resource managers’ perceptions of workers with learning disabilities Journal of Scholastic Inquiry: Business, 10(1), 47-75.
- Peart, J. & Knowles, L. (2018). Applying the stakeholder model to social entrepreneurship: A practitioner approach. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 10(1-2), 85-95.
- Gringarten, H., Knowles, L., Fernandez-Caliennes, R., Grandmont-Garboldi, N. (2011). The branding of an academic journal: How marketing, intrapreneurship, information technology and teamwork created a successful research journal. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 3(3) 109-124.
- Gringarten, H., Knowles, L., Fernandez-Caliennes, R. (2011). Journey to a research journal: Intrapreneurship, branding, and the making of an academic journal. Annual International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Singapore, July 2011.
- Knowles, L. (2010). Organizational behavior in the recreation marine industry. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. 2(1) 5-14.
- Knowles, L. (2012). Following a real-life entrepreneur. The Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, 21st Annual Visitor Industry/Student Conference, Miami Beach Convention Center Miami Beach, FL. May 2, 2012.
- Knowles, L. (2010). Water tourism. The Academy of Hospitality and Tourism, 19th Annual Visitor Industry/Student Conference, Miami Beach Convention Center Miami Beach, FL. April 13, 2010.
- Knowles, L. (2009). Breakthroughs for women in the recreation marine industry. Presentation at Oxford Round Table, University of Oxford: St. Anne’s College, Oxford, U.K. July 9, 2009.
- Knowles, L., Dye, K., Marciano, F., Reynolds, J. (2007). Conducting international trade. International BoatBuilders’ Exhibition and Conference (IBEX), Panelist/Presenter, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, FL. October 10, 2007.
- Marine Industries Association of South Florida, Workforce One; L. Knowles: Production Coordination (2006). Navigate your career: Charting your course in the marine industries, Media One, interactive DVD.