Perkins Loan
Federal regulations require that all Perkins Loan borrowers complete exit counseling. Exit counseling provides information on loan balances and explanation on repayment, interest rates, deferment, and cancellation benefits. It also provides answers to specific questions about the Federal Perkins loan for students graduating, withdrawing, or transferring from STU.
STU uses a third party vendor for billing services for Perkins, Heartland Educational Computer Systems Inc. (Heartland ECSI). Their contact # is (888) 549-3274, and are available Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 8:00pm EST for assistance. They will send students, required to complete a Perkins Exit Counseling, correspondence regarding their loan account on our behalf. It is important that students review each correspondence sent to them from Heartland ECSI. ECSI can also be contacted to update mailing addresses, name changes, and phone numbers on the Perkins account. They will also provide assistance with retrieving the exit counseling and any questions regarding it. Heartland ECSI offers exit counseling so that borrowers understand their commitment to student loans. To complete the exit counseling, students can go to to sign into their account. If a student does not have an account one must be created to log in. During the period that the exit counseling is in requirement a hold will be placed on the student’s STU. Once the exit counseling is completed, the student must contact the Business Office so that the Perkins Exit hold can be lifted.