Intellectual Property and Cyber Law Society

Mission Statement

The mission of the organization is to introduce the fields of intellectual property law and cyber law to St. Thomas University College of Law students. Our goal is to engage students with a background or interest in any creative or scientific field, and show them the legal framework that as lawyers they would use to help people reap benefits from those creations. We strive to bring awareness to the importance of protecting, managing, and monetizing original content.

IPCLS provides educational and networking opportunities to help students develop the knowledge and professional skills they will need to work in the areas of intellectual property and cyber law. In addition, students will be informed of scholarships, internships, writing contests, networking events, conferences, job fairs, and many other types of IP-related events meant to help shape a path toward a career in intellectual property law and cyber law.

Board Members

Melissa Hill, President
Paige Arnold, Vice President
Monica Lopez, Secretary
Jessica Mion, Treasurer
Olivia Callejo, Opp. and Outreach for Student Relations
Janelle De Moya, Social Media

Faculty/Staff Advisor

Zachary L. Catanzaro

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