Appellate Litigation

This is a year-long clinic for students who are eligible for Certified Legal Intern status by having completed four semesters (a minimum of 48 semester hours) and received Florida Bar Notice of Registrant Clearance. This clinic aids students in developing litigation skills by preparing and presenting appeals in state appellate courts. Each student will have the primary responsibility for at least two cases, beginning with the review of the trial court record for the cases, conducting legal research, drafting and filing an initial brief, an answer brief, and a reply brief, preparing for oral argument, and arguing the case.

Students are required to attend the weekly class component.

Prerequisites: Evidence
Co-requisites: Criminal Procedure
Course Credit: 12 (6 each semester)
Grading: Graded
Minimum Hourly Requirement:16 hours per week
Eligible Students: 3L’s
Florida Bar Notice of Registrant Clearance: Yes
Clinic Location: STU Campus
Faculty: Professor Andrew Stanton

Crystal Barranco Garcia

“Participating in the Appellate Litigation Clinic has broadened my horizons to new heights. I have learned of the intricacy and delicacy of the appellate process. Being in the clinic has pushed me to research to write motions, notices of appeal, and briefs. I have worked on several juvenile cases and although we have not completed oral argument yet, it has pushed me to be a better advocate. It has highlighted the essential importance between litigators and appellate attorneys.”