Civil Practice Externship

This is a single semester externship, available part-time or full-time, which provides opportunities for students to observe and participate in lawyering at government agencies and non-profit, public interest settings. Typical placements include legal aid services, city and county attorneys, state and local government agencies, school boards, and healthcare facilities. Participation enhances the development of a broad range of lawyering skills, advance personal career goals, enable critical reflection of the legal profession and legal institutions, encourage self-directed learning through reflection, and promote core competencies and professional values that produce skilled and ethical lawyers and professionals in our society. Those students whose placement requires a Certified Legal Intern status must have completed four semesters (a minimum of 48 semester hours) and have received Florida Bar Notice of Registrant Clearance.

Students are required to attend the weekly class component.

Prerequisites: Successful Completion of First Year
Co-requisites: None
Course Credit: 8 or 4
Grading: Pass/Fail
Minimum Hourly Requirement: Fall/Spring (8 Credits): 32 hours per week OR Fall/Spring (4 Credits): 16 hours per week; Summer (4 Credits): 32 hours per week
Eligible Students: 2L’s and 3L’s
Florida Bar Notice of Registrant Clearance: No
Clinic Location: Miami-Dade; Broward; Palm Beach counties
Faculty: Adjunct Professor Jeff James

Dylan Sanchez

“I worked with the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Shelters Division through STU Law’s Civil Practice Externship. I worked primarily on cases regarding the placement of children with foster families. Doing the Civil Practice Externship has been one of the best experiences I have had while being a law student. I had the opportunity to attend hearings, meet judges and other attorneys, and learn first-hand how to argue motions. One of the aspects I enjoyed most about my time on the externship was the ability to work closely with the attorneys at DCF. I was able to draft motions and assist in trial preparations. These have helped me gain skills that go beyond what I am learning in the classroom, and I am grateful for the opportunity that I have been given.”