Parking Pass
To acquire a campus parking pass you will need to submit a form electronically to submit that form, follow these instructions:
- Click Parking Application.
- Enter your STU username and password.
- Enter all necessary information, then click the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
- Please fill out the parking decal form and have the original as well as a copy of the required documentation handy in order to pick up your parking decals at orientation.
Decals will be issued at the Campus Security table inside the Law Library during law school Orientation.
When you when you pick up your parking decal, please bring with you:
- Your Driver’s License
- Your Vehicle Registration
- Proof of Insurance and
- Copy of your schedule (which will be in your Orientation package)
*Please note it takes 24 hours from the time your PIN is entered into the system by our Admissions Office for you to be able to access this link. If you have just been admitted, wait 24 hours and retry. If you continue to experience a problem, then please contact our Admissions Office.