On-Campus Interview Employer Registration

To participate in our upcoming On-Campus Interview Program, please complete the following form in its entirety. If you have any questions, please contact Career Administrator Dayana Fernandez at 305-623-2351 or Senior Director for Career Development Jennifer S. Ley-Soto at 305-623-2323.

    Employer Information

    Primary Contact Information

    Student Information

    Class Year
    Required Documents
    ResumeWriting SampleTranscriptOther
    Requirements GPA/Class RankLaw Review/JournalMoot Court/Mock TrialClinical Legal InternshipN/A-None
    Position paid or unpaid? PaidUnpaid


    Preferred Start Date

    Interview Information

    Date on which you would like to conduct interviews
    Must choose one


    Non-Discrimination Policy

    St. Thomas University College of Law is an equal opportunity institution of higher education that will maintain its Catholic values in the operation of the University. The College of Law provides its students and graduates with equal opportunity to obtain employment, including the requirement that every employer to whom it furnishes assistance and facilities for interviewing and other placement services must observe the principles of equal opportunity. The College of Law conforms to all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination and is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, or military status, marital or familial status, or any other category that is or becomes protected by law with the understanding that the University will maintain its Catholic values in the operation of the University. The Director for Law School Student Services, located in the College of Law Administrative Offices on the first floor of the main law school building is designated as the person to handle inquiries regarding this policy and can be contacted at (305) 623-2358. Facilities of the Office for Career Development are available only to those employers whose practices are consistent with this policy. Use of St. Thomas University College of Law Office for Career Development facilities constitutes the employer's agreement to abide by the policy stated above.

    In keeping with federal law, which prohibits institutions of higher education, including STU Law, from applying its discrimination policy or be subject to losing all federal funds, military recruitment on campus is not subject to STU Law’s non-discrimination policy. See Solomon Amendment, 32 C.F.R. 216 and 10 U.S.C. § 983. Students are hereby put on notice that military recruitment or employment may not fully meet the standards set forth in STU Law’s non-discrimination policy, particularly with respect to gender identity and expression.