Faculty Scholarship
Gordon T. Butler, Professor of Law Emeritus
Gordon Butler, One Fund Solution and the Pension Crisis, 64 Clev. St. L. Rev. 769 (2016).
Gordon Butler, The One Fund Solution: “It’s My Money and I Need It Now!”, 11(2) Hous. Bus. & Tax L.J. 262 (2011).
Gordon Butler, American Paternalism and the One Fund Solution, 9 Wyoming L. Rev. 485 (2009). HeinOnline
Gordon Butler, The Essence of Human Rights: A Religious Critique, 43 U. Rich. L. Rev. 1255 (2009). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, The Law School Mission Statement: A Survival Guide for the Twenty-First Century, 50 J. Legal Educ. 240 (2000). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, The Line-Item Veto and the Tax Legislative Process: A Futile Effort at Deficit Reduction, but a Step Toward tax Integrity, 49 Hastings L.J. 1 (1997). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, Economic Benefit: Formulating a Workable Theory of Income Recognition, 27 Seton Hall L. Rev. 70 (1996). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, Cometh the Revolution: the Case for Overruling McCollum v. Board of Education, 99 Dick. L. Rev. 843 (1995). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, I.R.C. § 461(h): Tax Fairness and the Deduction of Future Liabilities, 26 U. Mem. L. Rev. 97 (1995). HeinOnline
Mary Frances Budig, Gordon T. Butler, & Lynn M Page Murphy, Pledges to Nonprofit Organizations: Are They Enforceable and Must They Be Enforced?, 27 U.S.F.L. Rev. 47 (1992). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Gordon T. Butler, Comment, The Value-Added Tax: A New $40 Billion Tax for the United States?, 50 Tex. L. Rev. 267 (1972). HeinOnline
Gordon T. Butler, Note, Antitrust-Divestiture is Available to a Private Plaintiff Under Section 16 of the Clayton Act, 49 Tex. L. Rev. 542 (1971). HeinOnline
Anna M. Chan, Professor of Law Emerita
Annie M. Chan, Community and the Constitution: A Reassessment of the Roots of Immigration Law, 21 Vt. L. Rev. 491 (1996). HeinOnline
Alfredo García, Dean and Professor of Law Emeritus
Ellen S. Podgor, Peter J. Henning, Andrew E. Taslitz & Alfredo Garcia, Criminal Law: Concepts and Practice (2013, Carolina Academic Press) (Previous edition: 2009).
Ellen S. Podgor, Peter J. Henning, Andrew E. Taslitz & Alfredo Garcia, Criminal Law: Concepts and Practice (2nd Ed., 2009, Carolina Academic Press) (Previous edition: 2005).
Alfredo Garcia, The Fifth Amendment: A Comprehensive Approach (2002, Greenwood Press).
Alfredo Garcia, The Sixth Amendment in Modern American Jurisprudence: A Critical Perspective (1992, Greenwood Press).
Book Chapters:
Alfredo Garcia, The Practice of Bail Entry, in Oxford Companion to American Law 50 (Kermit L. Hall ed., 2002, Oxford University Press).
Alfredo Garcia, Forfeiture Entry, in Oxford Companion to American Law 317 (Kermit L. Hall ed., 2002, Oxford University Press).
Alfredo Garcia, Search Warrants, in Oxford Companion to American Law 723 (Kermit L. Hall ed., 2002, Oxford University Press).
Alfredo Garcia, Regression to the Mean: How Miranda Has Become a Tragicomical Farce, 25 St. Thomas L. Rev. 293 (2013).
Alfredo Garcia, Regression to the Mean: How Miranda Has Become a Tragicomical Farce, 25 St. Thomas L. Rev. 293 (2012).
Alfredo Garcia, Foreword, 21 St. Thomas L. Rev. 1 (2008). HeinOnline
I. Bruce Frumkin & Alfredo Garcia, Psychological Evaluations and the Competency to Waive Miranda Rights, Champion, Nov. 2003, at 12.
Alfredo Garcia, “No fetish” for Privacy, Fairness, or Justice: Why William Rehnquist, Not Ken Starr Was Responsible for William Jefferson Clinton’s Impeachment, 10 Cornell J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 511 (2001). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, Is Miranda Dead, Was It Overruled, or Is It Irrelevant?, 10 St. Thomas L. Rev. 461 (1998). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Fifth Amendment: A Comprehensive and Historical Approach, 29 U. Tol. L. Rev. 209 (1998). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, Toward an Integrated Vision of Criminal Procedural Rights: A Counter to Judicial and Academic Nihilism, 77 Marq. L. Rev. 1 (1993). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Jury Trial in the Criminal Context: The Link Between the Defendant and the Community, 4 St. Thomas L. Rev. 81 (1992). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, Speedy Trial Swift Justice: Full-Fledged Right or “Second-class Citizen?”, 21 Sw. L. Rev. 31 (1992).
Alfredo Garcia, Clash of the Titans: The Difficult Reconciliation of a Fair Trial and a Free Press in Modern American Society, 32 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1107 (1992). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Right to Counsel Under Siege: Requiem for an Endangered Right, 29 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 35 (1991). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Compulsory Process Clause and the “Sporting Theory of Justice”: The Supreme Court Evens the Score, 28 Duq. L. Rev. 619 (1990). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Scope of Police Immunity From Civil Suit Under Title 42 Section 1983 and Bivens: A Realistic Appraisal, 11 Whittier L. Rev. 511 (1989). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Winding Path of Bruton v. United States: A Case of Doctrinal Inconsistency, 26 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 401 (1988). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, Mental Sanity and Confessions: The Supreme Court’s New Version of the Old “Voluntariness” Standard, 1 Akron L. Rev. 275 (1988). HeinOnline
Alfredo Garcia, The Right to Counsel and Informants, Case & Comment, May/June 1987, at 21.
Lauren Gilbert
Book Chapters:
Lauren Gilbert, Gender Violence, State Action, and Power and Control in the Northern Triangle, in From Extraction to Emancipation: Development Reimagined (American Bar Association and Carolina Academic Press, 2018).
Lauren Gilbert, Deportation Cases and Legislation, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics, Law and Social Movements (2012, Oxford University Press).
Lauren Gilbert, SB 1070 Politics of, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics, Law and Social Movements (2012, Oxford University Press).
Lauren Gilbert, McKinney v. Saviego, in Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Politics, Law and Social Movements (2012, Oxford University Press).
Lauren, Gilbert, Reconceiving Citizenship: Noncitizen Voting in New York City Municipal Elections as a Case Study in Immigrant Integration and Local Governance, 2 J. on Migration and Hum. Security 223 (2014).
Lauren Gilbert, Obama’s Ruby Slippers: Enforcement Discretion in the Absence of Immigration Reform, 116 W. Va. L. Rev. (2013).
Lauren Gilbert, Immigrant Laws, Obstacle Preemption, and the Lost Legacy of McCulloch, 33(1) Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 153 (2012). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, The 26th Mile: Empathy and the Immigration Decisions of Justice Sotomayor, 13 Harv. Latino L. Rev. 1 (2010). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Citizenship, Civic Virtue and Immigrant Integration: The Enduring Power of Community-Based Norms, 27 Yale L. & Pol’y Rev. 335 (2009). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, National Identity and Immigration Policy in the U.S. and the European Union, 14 Colum. J. Eur. L. 99 (2008). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Facing Justice: Ethical Choices in Representing Immigrant Clients, 20 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 219 (2007). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Fields of Hope, Fields of Despair: Legisprudential and Historic Perspectives on the AgJobs Bill of 2003, 42 Harv. J. on Legis. 417 (2005). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Mocking George: Political Satire as ‘True Threat’ in the Age of Global Terrorism, 58 U. Miami L. Rev. 843 (2004). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, When Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors: The First Amendment and ‘Special Interest’ Hearings, 55 Rutgers L. Rev. 741 (2003). SSRN HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Family Violence and U.S. Immigration Law: New Developments, Immigr. Briefings, Vol. 1, No. 3, March 2001, at 1.
Lauren Gilbert, Family Violence and the Immigration and Nationality Act, Immigr. Briefings, 98-3, Mar. 1998, at 1.
Lauren Gilbert et al., Preface, Conference on the International Protection of Reproductive Rights, 44 Am. U. L. Rev. 963 (1995). HeinOnline
Lauren Gilbert, Rights, Refugee Women & Reproductive Health, 44 Am. U. L. Rev. 1213 (1995). SSRN HeinOnline
Book Reviews:
Lauren Gilbert, Mothers Without Citizenship: Asian Immigrant Families and the Consequences of Welfare Reform by Lynn Fujiwara, 43 Law & Soc’y Rev. 709 (2009) (book review). HeinOnline
John F. Hernández
John F. Hernandez, Essay: A Search for Reason in Fairy Tales, 18 St. Thomas L. Rev. 259 (2005). HeinOnline
John F. Hernandez, Michael Closen, Mary Anne Bobinski, Donald H.J. Hermann, Gene P. Shultz and J. Kelly Strader, Criminalization of an epidemic: HIV-AIDS and criminal exposure laws, 46 Ark. L. Rev. 921 (1993). HeinOnline
John F. Hernandez, Outing in the Time of AIDS: Legal And Ethical Considerations, 5 St. Thomas L. Rev. 493 (1993). HeinOnline
John F. Hernandez, Prenatal Transmission of HIV: Causes for the Resurrection of Wrongful Life, 27 J. Marshall L. Rev. 393 (1990). HeinOnline
John F. Hernandez, Using Shareholder Notes to Eliminate Section 357(c) Gain: Lessinger v. Commissioner, 872 F.2d 519 (2d Cir. 1989), Correct Result, Wrong Reason, 20 Mem. St. U. L.Rev 355 (1990).
John F. Hernandez, The Federal Tax Lien: Beyond United States vs. Rodgers, 36 Fla. L. Rev. 1081 (1984). HeinOnline
Lenora P. Ledwon
David Ray Papke, Christine Corcos, Lenora Ledwon, et. al., Law and Popular Culture: Text, Notes, and Questions, 2nd ed. (2012, LexisNexis) (Previous edition: 2007).
Lenora Ledwon, Law and Literature: Text and Theory (1996, Garland Publishing).
Book Chapters:
Lenora Ledwon, The Top Ten Law & Literature Texts You Haven’t Read, in Teaching Law and Literature (Austin Sarat, Cathrine O. Frank and Matthew Anderson, eds., 2011, Modern Language Association).
Lenora Ledwon, Harry Potter Goes to Law School, in The Law and Harry Potter 275 (Jeffrey E. Thomas and Franklin G. Snyder, eds., 2010, Carolina Academic Press).
Lenora Ledwon, Zoot Suit (1981): Realism, Romance and the Anti-Musical– Film as Social Justice, in Screening Justice-The Cinema of Law: Significant Films of Law, Order and Social Justice (Rennard Strickland, Teree E. Foster & Taunya Lovell Banks eds., 2006, W.S. Hein).
Lenora Ledwon, Outrageous Virtue and the Spectacle of Prostitution: Dracula and the Contagious Diseases Acts, in The Eyes of Justice: Seventh Round Table on Law and Semiotics (Roberta Kevelson, ed., 1994, P. Lang).
Lenora Ledwon, Green Visual Rhetoric: The Human/Nonhuman Connection in “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”, 7(1) J. Animal & Env. L. 1 (2015).
Lenora Ledwon, Understanding Visual Metaphors: What Graphic Novels Can Teach Lawyers About Visual Storytelling, 63 Drake Law Rev. 193 (2015)
Lenora Ledwon, Using Mel Brooks’s The Twelve Chairs to Teach Dying Declarations, Circuit, February 17, 2012. California Law Review
Lenora Ledwon, The Socratic Screenplay: Law Allegory and Science Fiction in John and Joyce Corrington’s Screenplays for ‘The Omega Man’ and ‘Battle for the Planet of the Apes’, 32 Stud. L. Pol. & Soc’y 79 (2004).
Lenora Ledwon, The Poetics of Evidence: Some Applications From Law & Literature, 21 QLR 1145 (2003). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Common Sense, Contracts, and Law and Literature: Why Lawyers Should Read Henry James, 16 Touro L. Rev. 1065 (2000). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Diaries and Hearsay: Gender, Selfhood, and the Trustworthiness of Narrative Structure, 73 Temp. L. Rev. 1185 (2000). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Melodrama and Law: Feminizing the Juridical Gaze, 21 Harv. Women’s L.J. 141 (1998). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Maternity as a Legal Fiction: Infanticide and Sir Walter Scott’s “The Heart of Midlothian”, 18 Women’s Rts. L. Rep. 1 (1996). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Native American Life Stories and “Authorship”: Legal and Ethical Issues, 9 St. Thomas L. Rev. 69 (1996) Reprinted at 21 Am. Indian Q. 579 (1997). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Veiled Women and the Law of Coverture in Collin’s “The Woman in White”, 22 Victorian Literature & Culture 1 (1995).
Lenora Ledwon, “Twin Peaks” and the Television Gothic, 21 Literature/Film Q. 260 (1993).
Lenora Ledwon, The Passion of the Phallus in Angela Carter’s The Passion of New Eve, 5 J. Fantastic in the Arts 26 (1993).
Lenora Ledwon, Darwin’s Ghosts: The Influence of Darwinism on the Nineteenth-Century Ghost Story, 6 Proteus 10 (1989).
Book Reviews:
Lenora Ledwon, Storytelling and Contracts, 13 Yale J.L. & Feminism 117 (2000) (book review) (reviewing Amy Hilsman Kately et al., Contracting Law (2d ed. 2000)). HeinOnline
Lenora Ledwon, Strong Representations: Narrative and Circumstantial Evidence in England by Alexander Welsh, 19 Nineteenth-Century Contexts 106 (1993) (book review).
Lenora Ledwon, Robert Polhemus, Erotic Faith: Being in Love From Jane Austen to D.H. Lawrence, 23 Religion & Literature 123 (1991) (book review).
Lenora Ledwon, The Religious Dimension of Jane Austen’s Novels by Gene Koppel, 21 Religion & Literature 105 (1989) (book review).
Alfred R. Light, Professor of Law Emeritus
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA Law and Procedure Supplement (1993, Bureau of National Affairs).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA Law and Procedure Compendium (1992, Bureau of National Affairs).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA Law and Procedure (1991, Bureau of National Affairs).
Alfred R. Light, Lawyer’s Guide to CERCLA (1991, Bureau of National Affairs).
Alfred R. Light, A lawyer’s overview of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) (1986, Pasha Publications).
Book Chapters:
Alfred R. Light, Training First-Year Students to Work Like a Lawyer: A Sneaky ‘Virtual Classroom’ Experiment, in Teaching the Law School Curriculum 23 (Steven Friedland & Gerald F. Hess eds., 2004, Carolina Academic Press).
Alfred R. Light, Web-Enhanced Constitutional Law, in Teaching the Law School Curriculum 116 (Steven Friedland & Gerald F. Hess eds., 2004, Carolina Academic Press).
Alfred R. Light, Florida (Chapter 51), in Environmental Law Practice Guide: State and Federal Law 18780 (Michael B. Gerrard, ed., 2002, Matthew Bender) (Previous edition: 1992).
Alfred R. Light, More Equal Than Others: The United States Government Under CERCLA, in Rethinking the Superfund: It Costs Too Much; It’s Unfair; It must Be Fixed (John C. Butler, ed., 1991, ).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA Developments During 1990 of Interest to Insurance Counsel, in Pollution Liability: Managing the Challenges of Coverage and Defense in 1991 39 (American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education, ed., 1991, ) American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education.
Alfred R. Light & Randy Mott, Dialogue on Mixed Funding, in Liability for Hazardous Waste Sites Under CERCLA (1988, Chemical Waste Litigation Reporter).
Alfred R. Light, The Reauthorization Parables, in Hazardous Waste Litigation After the RCRA and CERCLA Amendments (Randy Mott ed., 1987, Practising Law Institute).
Alfred R. Light, The National Energy Plan in the Congress, in New Dimensions to Energy Policy (Robert Lawrence ed., 1979, Lexington Books).
Alfred R. Light, Adversaries and Partners: Fiscal Federalism in North Carolina, in Politics and Policy in North Carolina 244 (Thad L. Beyle & Merle Black eds., 1975, Institute for Research in Social Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
Alfred R. Light, Fiscal Impacts of General Revenue Sharing, in Assessing the Impacts of General Revenue Sharing in the Fifty States: A Survey of State Administrators (Deil Spencer Wright; et al., 1975, ).
Alfred R. Light, David’s Five Smooth Stones: Cloud Technology for the Florida Consumer Lawyer, 5 St. Thomas J. on Complex Litigation 1 (2018).
Alfred R. Light, Avoiding the Contribution “Catch-22”: CERCLA Administrative Orders for Cleanup Are Civil Actions, 46(9) Envtl. L. Rep. 10791 (2016).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA’s Contribution Protection Guidelines: A Problematic Policy That May Violate Due Process, 30(1) Nat. Resources & Env’t. 45 (2015).
Alfred R. Light, SARA’s State Procedural Reform: Reading CTS v. Waldburger through Canons of Statuory Interpretation, 45 Tex. Envtl. L. J. 167 (2015).
Alfred R. Light, Fracturing Moratoria Under the Dormant Commerce Clause: The Need to Shape Rather Than Resist the Shale Gale, 44(2) Envtl. L. Rep. 10035 (2014).
Alfred R. Light, Get Smart to Go Green? LEED Neighborhood Development and Sustainability, 7(1) Appalachian Nat. Resources L. J. 87 (2013).
Alfred R. Light, Regressing Toward Federal Common Law: The Catalytic Effect of CERCLA’s Private Cause of Action, 41(4) Sw. L. Rev. 661 (2012).
Alfred R. Light, The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Trust and the Gulf Coast Claims Facility: The Superfund Myth and the Law of Unintended Consequences, 5(1) Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 87 (2011). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, The Intergovernmental Relations of Water Policy and Management: Florida-Holland Parallels, 23 Tul. Envtl. L.J. 279 (2010). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Reducing Nutrient Pollution in the Everglades Agricultural Area through Best Management Practices, Nat. Resources & Env’t, Vol. 25 No. 2, Fall 2010, at 26.
Alfred R. Light, Restatement for Arranger Liability under CERCLA: Implications of Burlington Northern for Superfund Jurisprudence, 11 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 371 (2009). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Beyond the Myth of Everglades Settlement: The Need for a Sustainability Jurisprudence, 44 Tulsa L. Rev. 253 (2008). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA’s Cost Recovery Statute of Limitations: Closing the Books or Waiting for Godot?, 16 Se. Envtl. L.J. 245 (2008). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Risk Communication to Enhance Sustainability: Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making in South Florida, Int’l J. Envtl. Cultural Econ. Soc. Sustainability, V. 1 No. 2, 2006, at 95.
Alfred R. Light, Spark Plugs of Policy Implementation: Intergovernmental Relations and Public Participation in Florida’s Acceler8 Initiative to Speed Everglades Restoration, 30 Vt. L. Rev. 939 (2006). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Tales of the Tamiami Trail: Implementing Adaptive Management in Everglades Restoration, 22 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 59 (2006). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Of Square Pegs, Round Holes and Recalcitrant Lying in the Weeds: Superfund’s Legal Lessons for Everglades Restoration, 12 Mo. Envtl. L. & Pol’y Rev. 91 (2005).
Alfred R. Light, Environmental Federalism in the United States and the European Union: A Harmonic Convergence?, 15 St. Thomas L. Rev. 321 (2002). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Civil Procedure Parables in the First Year: Applying the Bible to think Like A Lawyer, 37 Gonz. L. Rev. 283 (2002). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Miccosukee Wars in the Everglades: Settlement, Litigation, and Regulation to Restore an Ecosystem, 13 St. Thomas L. Rev. 729 (2001). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Sovereignty Myths and Intergovernmental Realities: The Etiquette of Tribal Federalism, 14 St. Thomas L. Rev. 373 (2001). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Bush v. Gore – Georgia Lived It Before: Pickrick and the Warren Court, 18 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 447 (2001). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Minding the Law by Anthony G. Amsterdam and Jerome Bruner, 13 St. Thomas L. Rev. 415 (2000). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Ecosystem Management in the Everglades, 14 Nat. Resources & Env’t 166 (2000).
Alfred R. Light, Conscripting State Law to Protect Volunteers: The Odd Formulation of Federalism in “Opt-Out” Preemption, 10 Seton Hall J. Sport L. 9 (2000). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, The Myth of Everglades Settlement, 11 St. Thomas L. Rev. 55 (1998). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Lifting Printz Off Dual Sovereignty: Back to a Functional Test for the Etiquette of Federalism, 13 BYU J. Pub. L. 49 (1998). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, He Who Pays the Piper Should Call the Tune: Dual Sovereignty in U.S. Environmental Law, 4 Envtl. Law. 779 (1998). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Déjà Vú All Over Again?: A Memoir of Superfund Past, Nat. Resources & Env’t, Fall, 1995, at 29.
Alfred R. Light, “The First Thing We Do…”: The ABA’s Resolution on CERCLA Reauthorization, 9 J. Nat. Resources & Envtl. L. 371 (1994). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Superfund’s Second Master: The Uneasy Fit of Private Cost Recovery Within CERCLA, 6 St. Thomas L. Rev. 97 (1993). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, New Federalism, Old Due Process, and Retroactive Revival: Constitutional Problems With CERCLA’s Amendment of State Law, 40 U. Kan. L. Rev. 365 (1992). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Antidote or Asymptote to Contribution: Non-Contractual Indemnity Under CERCLA, 21 Envtl. Law. 321 (1991). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, The Importance of “Being Taken”: To Clarify and Confirm the Litigative Reconstruction of CERCLA’s Text, 18 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 1 (1990). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, “Product Line” and “Continuity of Enterprise” Theories of Corporate Successor Liability Under CERCLA, 11 Miss. C. L. Rev. 63 (1990). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light, Federal Preemption, Federal Conscription Under the New Superfund Act, 38 Mercer L. Rev. 643 (1987). HeinOnline
Alfred R. Light & David O. Ledbetter, Process Overdue: The Erosion of Judicial Review Under Superfund, Fed. B. News & J., Jan. 1987, at 27.
Alfred R. Light, United States v. Thomas Jefferson IV, et al (A Superfund Story), 15 Envtl. F. 17 (1985).
Alfred R. Light & Manning Gasch Jr., Evolving Legal Remedies for Toxic Torts: An Overview, 4 Legal Notes & Viewpoints Q. 1 (1984) Reprinted in Toxic Tort Litigation (Manning Gasch Jr. ed., 1984, Practising Law Institute).
Alfred R. Light, Toxic Injury Compensation: One More Overview of Legislative Proposals, Nat. Resources L. Newsl. (American Bar Association, Chicago, IL), Spring 1983, at 2.
Alfred R. Light, Federalism, FERC v. Mississippi, and Product Liability Reform, Publius, Spring 1983, at 85.
Alfred R. Light, The Long Tail of Liability: Hazardous Waste Disposal Insurance and the Superfund Act’s Post-Closure Liability Trust Fund, 2 Va. J. Nat. Resources L. 179 (1982).
Alfred R. Light, State Severance Taxes Fuel Court Action and Congressional Debate, Publius, Summer 1981, at 85.
Alfred R. Light, The Governor’s Push for Emergency Energy Powers, Publius, Winter 1980, at 57.
Alfred R. Light, Introduction, The 1979 Energy Crisis Symposium, Publius, Winter 1980, at 43.
Alfred R. Light, Energy Policy: A New War Against the States, 3 S. Rev. Pub. Admin. 169 (1979).
Alfred R. Light, The Hidden Dimension of the National Energy Plan: Executive Policy Direction in Nuclear Waste Management, Publius, Winter 1979, at 169.
Alfred R. Light, The Legislated Role of the States National Energy Acts, Publius, Winter 1979, at 188.
Alfred R. Light, The Carter Administration’s National Energy Plan: Pressure Groups, and Organizational Politics in the Congress, 6 Pol’y Stud. J. 68 (1978).
Alfred R. Light, State Agency Perspectives on Federalism, 59 Soc. Sci. Q. 284 (1978).
Alfred R. Light, Intergovernmental Sources of Innovation in State Administration, 6 Am. Pol. Q. 147 (1978).
Alfred R. Light, Aggregation Effects in the Study of State Administrative Perspectives About Program Innovation, 5 Pol. Methodology 501 (1978).
Alfred R. Light, Drawing the Wagons in a Circle: Sectionalism and Energy Politics, Publius, Winter 1978, at 21.
Alfred R. Light & Deil S. Wright, The Indeterminants of State Revenue Sharing Expenditures: Reactions to the Havick Research Note, 39 L. Pol. 457 (1977).
Alfred R. Light, Federalism and the Energy Crisis: A View from the States, Publius, Winter 1976, at 81.
Additional Publications:
Alfred R. Light, EPA’s ‘Back to the Future’ Model Administrative Orders: Statutory Limits on Resolving Future CERCLA Liability, 31(18) Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 1 (May 5, 2016).
Alfred R. Light, The CERCLA Contribution Protection Racket: EPA Can Only Settle Its Own Claims, Not Private Party Claims, 29 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 984 (November 6, 2014).
Alfred R. Light, Designing the Gulf Coast Claims Facility in the Shadow of the Law: A Template From the Superfund §301(e) Report, 40 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis (Envtl. L. Inst.) 11121 (Nov. 2010).
Alfred R. Light, Protocols for the Gulf Coast Claims Facility: An Etiquette of Equivocation, 25 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 985 (Sept. 23, 2010).
Alfred R. Light, Apportioning Costs by Causation After “Burlington Northern”: Superfund Meets NCIS, 24 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 948 (August 6, 2009).
Alfred R. Light, Restatement for Joint and Several Liability Under CERCLA After ‘Burlington Northern’, 39 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis (Envtl. L. Inst.) 11058 (Nov. 2009).
Alfred R. Light, “Minimum Contacts” Under CERCLA: Joint and Several “Generator” Liability and the Fifth Amendment, 24 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 545 (April 23, 2009).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA’s Wooden Iron: The Contribution Counterclaim, 23 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 642 (July 24, 2008).
Alfred R. Light, The Waiter at the Party: A Parable of Ecosystem Management in the Everglades, 36 Envtl. L. Rep. News & Analysis (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10771 (Oct. 2006).
Alfred R. Light, CERCLA’s Snark: Contribution Protection, Review Preclusion, and the Government Defendant, 19 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 538 (June 10, 2004).
Alfred R. Light, Federal Statutes of Limitation for State Law Claims: Jinks in the Search for Constitutional Limitations, 18 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 225 (Mar. 6, 2003).
Alfred R. Light, Federal Statutes of Limitation for State Law Claims: A ‘Reverse Erie’ Theory for Constitutional Limits?, 18 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 601 (June 26, 1003).
Alfred R. Light, “Taking” CERCLA Seriously: The Constitution Really Does Not Limit Retroactive Liability, 13 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 238 July 15, 1998.
Alfred R. Light, Taking Olin Seriously: Can CERCLA’s Constitutional Infirmities Be Remedied?, 11 Toxics L. Rep (BNA) 94 (June 19, 1996).
Alfred R. Light, Illuminating Irrationality: Self-Deception and Superfund Law Part 2, 7 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 722 Nov. 11, 1992.
Alfred R. Light, Illuminating Irrationality: Behavioral Research and the Superfund Law Part 1, 7 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 694 Nov. 4, 1992.
Alfred R. Light & David M. McGee, Preenforcement, Preimplementation, and Postcompletion Preclusion of Judicial Review Under CERCLA, 22 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10397 (June 1992).
Alfred R. Light, Slamming the Doehr on Government: Unconstitutional Preclusion of Judicial Review, 6 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 765 1991.
Alfred R. Light, Sweetheart, Goodnight?, 4 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 695 1989.
Alfred R. Light, U.S. v. Monsanto: Inconsistency in the Government’s Position on the Timing of CERCLA’s Contribution Claims, 19 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10163 (Apr. 1989).
Alfred R. Light, A Legal Theory to Allocate CERCLA Risks: Evening the Odds in Environmental Litigation, 3 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 1439 1989.
Alfred R. Light, When EPA Makes a Superfund Mistake: Judicial Review Problems Under SARA, 17 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10148 (May 1987).
Alfred R. Light et al., Hurricane SARA: An Introduction to the 1986 Superfund Amendments, 1 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 1104 1987.
Alfred R. Light, Note, SARA’s Consequences: The Emerging Legal Debate Over Liability, Contribution, and Administrative Law, Toxics L. Rep (BNA), June 3, 1987, at 22 Reprinted in Hazardous Waste Litigation After the RCRA and CERCLA Amendments (Randy M. Mott ed. 1987).
Alfred R. Light, A Modest Proposal to Codify the “Fair and Just” View of the Justice Department on CERCLA, 16 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10064 (Mar. 1986).
Alfred R. Light, Eleven Ways the Senate Settlement Methods Will Help Superfund’s Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program, 1 Toxics L. Rep (BNA), at 145 July 16, 1986.
Alfred R. Light, A Defense Counsel’s Perspective on Superfund, 15 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10203 (July 1985).
Alfred R. Light, A Comparison of the 301(e) Report and Some Pending Legislative Proposals, 15 Envtl. L. Rep. (Envtl. L. Inst.) 10203 (March 1984).
Alfred R. Light, Nat’l Sci. Found., PRA Res. Rep. 83-8, An addendum to a research report on Compensation for victims of toxic pollution : assessing the scientific knowledge base (1983).
John Makdisi, Professor of Law
John Makdisi, Estates in Land and Future Interests: Problems and Answers (7th ed., 2018, Wolters Kluwer) (Previous editions: 6th ed. 2014, 5th ed. 2008, 4th ed. 2004, 3rd ed. 1999, 2nd ed. 1995, 1st ed. 1991). (Co-author Daniel B. Bogart for 4th, 5th and 6th eds.).
John Makdisi, The Object of the Moral Act: Understanding St. Thomas Aquinas Through the Work of Steven Long and Martin Rhonheimer, (Proquest 2017).
Daniel B. Bogart & John Makdisi, Inside Property Law: What Matters and Why (2009, Aspen Publishers).
Michael Makdisi & John Makdisi, Introduction to the Study of Law: Cases and Materials (3d ed., 2009, LexisNexis Matthew Bender) (Previous editions: 2nd ed. 2000; 1st ed. 1990). (Co-author for 3rd ed.).
John Makdisi, Florida Property Law Volume 2: Conveyancing and Governmental Controls (2007, Carolina Academic Press) (with Teacher’s Manual).
John Makdisi, Florida Property Law Volume 1: Possession, Estates, and Tenancy (2006, Carolina Academic Press) (with Teacher’s Manual).
John Makdisi, Islamic Property Law: Cases and Materials for Comparative Analysis with the Common Law (2005, Carolina Academic Press) (with Teacher’s Manual).
John Makdisi, Workbook on Estates and Future Interests (1987, Carswell).
John Makdisi, Law School Orientation: Cases and Materials (1986, Carswell).
John Makdisi, Ladner on Conveyancing in Pennsylvania (rev. 4th ed., 1979, Bisel) (1976 Supplement to 3d ed.).
Book Chapters:
John Makdisi, Fraternity in the Law as a Means of Human Flourishing, in Human Flourishing: The End of Law (W. Michael Reisman & Roza Pati, eds., 2008, Brill Nijhoff).
John Makdisi, The Kindred Concepts of Seisin and Hawz in English and Islamic Law, in The Law Applied: Contextualizing the Islamic Shari’a (Wolfhart Heinrichs, Bernard Weiss & Peri Bearman, eds., 2008, I.B. Taurus).
John Makdisi, Chapter 30 and §§17.01, 18.01, 19.01, 23.01, 28.01, in Thompson on Real Property (D. Thomas ed., 1994, Michie Co.).
John Makdisi, An Inquiry into Islamic Influences During the Formative Period of the Common Law, in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence 135 (N. Heer ed., 1990, University of Washington Press).
John Makdisi, A Christian Response to Laws that Require Immoral Acts, 19 Nova et Vetera 1147 (2021).
John Makdisi, The Transformation of Marriage as a State Institution, 14 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 371 (2019) (co-author with June Mary Makdisi).
John Makdisi, A Thomistic Perspective on Natural Law Reasoning in the Supreme Courts, 45 Ohio N.U.L. Rev. 301 (2019).
John Makdisi, Aquinas’s Prohibition of Killing Reconsidered, 57 J. Cath. Leg. Stud. 67 (2018).
John Makdisi, Uncaring Justice: Why Jacque v. Steenberg Homes Was Wrongly Decided, 51 J. Cath. Legal Stud. 111 (2012).
John Makdisi, A Survey of AALS Law Schools Teaching Islamic Law, 55 J. Legal Educ. 583 (2005). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Improving Education-Delivery in the Twenty-First Century: The Vital Role of the Law Librarian, 95 Law Lib. J. 431 (2003). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, A Reality Check on Istihsan as a Method of Islamic Legal Reasoning, 2 UCLA J. Islamic & Near E. L. 99 (2002).
John Makdisi, Dean’s Welcoming Remarks, 13 St. Thomas L. Rev. 7 (2000). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, The Islamic Origins of the Common Law, 77 N.C. L. Rev. 1635 (1999). HeinOnline
John Makdisi & Marianne Makdisi, Islamic Law Bibliography: Revised and Updated List of Secondary Sources, 87 Law Lib. J. 69 (1995). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Hard Cases and Human Judgment in Islamic and Common Law, 2 Ind. Int’l & Comp. L. Rev. 191 (1991). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Justification in the Killing of an Innocent Person, 38 Clev. St. L. Rev. 85 (1990). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Proportional Liability: A Comprehensive Rule to Apportion Tort Damages Based on Probability, 67 N.C. L. Rev. 1063 (1989). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, How to Do a Perpetuities Problem, 36 Clev. St. L. Rev. 95 (1988). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Islamic Law Bibliography, 78 Law Lib. J. 103 (1986). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Legal Logic and Equity in Islamic Law, 33 Am. J. Comp. L. 63 (1985). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Formal Rationality in Islamic and Common Law, 34 Clev. St. L. Rev. 97 (1985). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, An Objective Approach to Contractual Mistake in Islamic Law, 3 B.U. Int’l L.J. 325 (1985). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Fixed Shares in Intestate Distribution: A Comparative Analysis of Islamic and American Law, 1984 BYU L. Rev. 267 (1984). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, The Vesting of Executory Interests, 59 Tul. L. Rev. 366 (1984). HeinOnline
Book Reviews:
John Makdisi, The Islamic Conception of Justice by Majid Khadduri, 27 Harv. Int’l L.J. 315 (1986) (book review). HeinOnline
John Makdisi, Judicial Practice in Morocco by Henry Toledano, MESA Bull. (Middle E. Stud. Ass’n, New York, NY), July 1983, at 41 (book review).
John Makdisi, Mahkama! Studies in the Egyptian Legal System by Enid Hill, 12 Int’l J. Middle E. Stud. 551 (1980) (book review).
John Makdisi, Law Reform in the Muslim World, 20 Harv. Int’l L.J. 739 (1979) (book review). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
John Makdisi, Future Interest Rules, CALI Lesson, (2004), http://www2.cali.org.
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Professor of Law
June Mary Makdisi John Makdisi, The Transformation of Marriage as a State Institution, 14 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 371 (2019).
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Affordable Care Act: Does It Improve Health and Does It Live Up to Human Rights Standards?, 10 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev 117 (2015).
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Totality and Integrity in American Case Law, 12 Nat’l Cath. Bioethics Q. 43 (2012).
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Protection of Embryonic Life in the European Council’s Convention on Biomedicine, 7 Nat’l Cath. Bioethics Q. 31 (2007).
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Involuntary Cloning: A Battery, 79 St. John’s L. Rev. 13 (2005). HeinOnline
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Human Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Who Should Decide Where to Draw the Line?, 39 New Eng. L. Rev. 635 (2005). HeinOnline
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Genetically Correct: The Political Use of Reproductive Terminology, 32 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2004). HeinOnline
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Commercial Use of Protected Health Information Under HIPPA’s Privacy Rule: Reasonable Disclosure or Disguised Marketing?, 82 Neb. L. Rev. 741 (2004). HeinOnline
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, The Slide From Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research to Reproductive Cloning: Ethical Decision Making and the Ban on Federal Funding, 34 Rutgers L.J. 463 (2003). HeinOnline
June Mary Zekan Makdisi, Genetic Privacy: New Intrusion a New Tort?, 34 Creighton L. Rev. 965 (2001). HeinOnline
June Mary Makdisi, Nutrition and Hydration Under Ohio’s DPAH: Judicial Misconstruction Threatens the Right to Choose Death With Dignity, 38 Clev. St. L. Rev. 279 (1990). HeinOnline
Claire Osborn-Wright
Claire Wright, Blueprint for Survival: A New International Law Paradigm for Environmental Emergencies, 29 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 221 (2017).
Claire Wright, Torture at Home: Borrowing from the Torture Convention to Define Domestic Violence, 24 Hastings Women’s L. J. 457 (2013).
Claire Wright, Censoring the Censors in the WTO: Reconciling the Communitarian and Human Rights Theories of International Law, 3 J. Int’l Media & Ent. L. 17 (2010). The Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law (JIMEL) is a peer-reviewed publication of the Biederman Media and Entertainment Law Institute and the American Bar Association’s Forums on Communications Law and the Entertainment and Sports Industries.
Claire Wright, Confronting Domestic Violence Head On: The Role of Power in Domestic Relationships, 32 T. Jefferson L. Rev. 21 (2009). This symposium issue is dedicated to the Ninth Annual Women and the Law Conference entitled Confronting Domestic Violence Head On: The Role of Power in Domestic Relationship, which I coordinated.
Claire Wright, Toward a New Cultural Exemption in the WTO, chapter in MULTICULTURALISM AND INTERNATIONAL LAW: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF EDWARD McWHINNEY 649-97 (Sienho Yee & Jacques-Yvan Morin, eds., Kominklijke Brill/Martinus Nijoff 2009).
Claire Wright, Reconciling Cultural Diversity and Free Trade in the Digital Age: A Cultural Analysis of International Trade in Content Items, 41 Akron L. Rev. 399 (2008) (reprinted in 2009-2010 ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLISHING AND THE ARTS HANDBOOK (Thomson/ West 2009) as one of the best law review articles on a media subject).
Claire Wright, Hollywood’s Disappearing Act: International Trade Remedies to Bring Hollywood Home, 39 Akron L. Rev. 739 (2006) (reprinted in 2007-2008 ENTERTAINMENT, PUBLISHING AND THE ARTS HANDBOOK (Thomson/West 2007) as one of the best law review articles on a media subject).
Claire Osborn-Wright, International Protection of Human Rights and the Evolution of the Principle of Non-Refoulement, 7 San Francisco Barrister Law Journal 16, Bar Association of San Francisco (April 1988).
Steven J. Golub and Claire Osborn-Wright, Flaws in the Interpretation of INA Section 101(a)(42) and in the Denial of Refugee Status to Cambodians in Thailand, 2 Georgetown Immigration Law Journal 87 (1987).
Carol S. Osmond and Claire Wright, Regional: Customs: Marking Rule Changes Have Broad Implications, U.S. Mex. Free Trade Rep. (June 15, 1996), available at 1996 WL 10175465.
Carol S. Osmond and Claire Wright, <em>The NAFTA Marking Rules of Origin</em>, International Trade Regulation Report (January 1996), reprinted in Vol. 4:2 B&M LALDB 4/96, available at http://www.natlaw.com/pubs/spmxcu2.htm (last accessed September 18, 2006).
Claire Wright, ES TU DEBER! (Spanish translation of IT’S YOUR DUTY!: A U.S. Customs Law Primer (Baker & McKenzie 1996-2001)).
Claire Wright, GUIDE TO NAFTA VERIFICATION PROCEEDINGS (Baker & McKenzie 1996-2001).
Claire Wright, IT’S YOUR DUTY!: A U.S. Customs Law Primer (Baker & McKenzie 1994- 2001).
James W. Fossett and Claire C. Osborn, Urban Conditions, chapter in FEDERAL GRANTS AND URBAN POLICIES (University of Texas Press 1980).
James W. Fossett and Claire C. Osborn, Federal Grants in Large Sunbelt and Frostbelt Cities: An Overview, 54 Tex. Bus. Rev. 74 (1980).
Richard P. Nathan and James W. Fossett, with the assistance of Claire C. Osborn, Urban Conditions: Implications for Federal Policy, 3 Commentary Magazine 3, National Council for Urban Economic Development (April 1979).
Roza Pati
Roza Pati, Neoliberalism and Human Rights, in STATE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: 1st Edition 3 (2020).
Roza Pati, Trafficking in Human Beings: The Convergence of Criminal Law and Human Rights Law, in the SAGE Handbook of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery (2018, SAGE Publications).
Roza Pati, People on the Move: The Vulnerability of Migrants and Human Trafficking, in Refugiados, Imigrantes e Igualdade dos Povos – Estudos em Homenagem a António Guterres (Pinto, Perazzolo et al, 2017, Quartier Latin Do Brasil).
Roza Pati, The OSCE and the Conflict Cycle through the Prism of the Ukraine Crisis: What Went Wrong?, in Forty Years Since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act (Institute for Comparative Law & INTERMEX, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia).
Roza Pati, Wilhelm Kirch & Siegfried Wiessner, Handbook on Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law: A Spring School from the New Haven Perspective (2014, George Thieme Verlag).
Roza Pati, Trafficking in Persons and Transnational Organized Crime: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, in Handbook on Human Traficking, Public Health and the Law: A Spring School from the New Haven Perspective 27 (2014, George Thieme Verlag).
Roza Pati, The Categorical Imperative to End Modern-Day Slavery: Subsidiarity, Privatization, and the State’s Duty to Protect, in Der Staat Im Recht. Festschrift für Eckart Klein zum 70. Geburtstag, 1219 (M. Breuer et al., eds., 2013, Duncker & Humblot).
Roza Pati, Combating Human Trafficking Through Transnational Law Enforcement Cooperation: The Case of South Eastern Europe, in Policing Across Borders: The Role of Law Enforcement in Global Governance (2012, Springer).
Roza Pati, No Cierre Sus Ojos: La Trata Existe–The Global Effort to Combat Human Trafficking: Its Strengths & Weaknesses, in Libro de Derecho Penal Especial (2012, Universidad Libre, Columbia).
Roza Pati, Beyond the Duty to Protect: Expanding Accountability and Responsibilities of the State in Combating Human Trafficking, in The Diversity of International Law: Essays in Honour of Kalliopi Koufa 319 (Aristotle Constantinides & Nikos Zaikos, eds., 2009, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Due Process and International Terrorism (2009, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Fair Trial Standards under Human Rights Treaty Law and the ICTY: A Process of Cross-Fertilization?, in ICTY: Towards a Fair Trial? 147 (Thomas Kruessmann ed., 2008, Intersentia).
Roza Pati, Information About the UN Dialogue of Civilizations, in The New Dialogue of Civilizations 16 (Roza Pati & Joe Holland eds., 2005, Xlibris Press).
Roza Pati & Joe Holland, eds., The New Dialogue of Civilizations (2005, Xlibris).
Roza Pati, Global Regulation of Corporate Conduct: Effective Pursuit of a Slave-Free Supply Chain, 68 American U. L. Rev. 1821 (2019), available at American University Law Review.
Roza Pati, From the Graceful Sari to the Scourge of Dowry: Indian Women in the Crucible of Tradition, 8 Kerala U. J. of Legal Studies (2015).
Roza Pati, Marshalling the Forces of Good: Religion and the Fight Against Human Trafficking, 9 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 1 (2014). Also published as Blueprint, by Caritas in Veritate Foundation, Geneva, (September 2014), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Human Trafficking: An Issue of Human and National Security, 4 Nat’l Security and Armed Conflict L. Rev. 29 (2014), a journal published by the University of Miami School of Law.
Roza Pati, Trading in Humans: A New Haven Perspective, 20 Asia Pacific L. Rev. 135 (2012).
Roza Pati, Domestic Servitude: a Contemporary Form of Slavery, 7 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 9 (2012), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, States’ Positive Obligations with Respect to Human Trafficking: The European Court of Human Rights Breaks New Ground in Rantsev v. Cyprus & Russia, 29 B.U. Int’l L.J. 79 (2011). HeinOnline
Roza Pati, Der Schutz der EMRK bei Menschenhandel: Rantsev v. Zypern und Russland, 2011 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 128 (2011).
Roza Pati, US Immigration Detention: Policy and Procedure from a Human Rights Perspective-Introductory Remarks, 5 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 5 (2010), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Schwierige Gratwanderung: Die international Terrorismus ist fuer die Demokratie eine grosse Herausforderung, Portal–Das Potsdamer Universitaetsmagazin, Jan.-Mar. 2009, at 28.
Roza Pati, The ICC and the Case of Sudan’s Omar Al Bashir: Is Plea-Bargaining a Valid Option?, 15 U.C. Davis J. Int’l L. & Pol’y 265 (2009). HeinOnline
Roza Pati, Addressing the Scourge of Human Trafficking: The Challenge Ahead, 1 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 75 (2006), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, The Miami Declaration of Principles on Human Trafficking: Its Genesis and Purpose, 1 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 5 (2006), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Rights and Their Limits: the Constitution for Europe in International and Comparative Legal Perspective, 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 223 (2005). HeinOnline
Roza Pati, Intercultural Human Rights: A 21st Century Challenge, Int’l Graduate, Vol. 6, at 38.
Book Reviews:
Roza Pati, Forward, Gabriela Curras DeBellis, Eradicating Human Trafficking: Culture, Law and Policy (BRILL/Nijhoff, 2022).
Roza Pati, Responding to Modern Genocide: At the Confluence of Law and Politics. By Mark D. Kielsgard. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2016. Pp. 255. 10 Reprinted in Changing Dimensions of Legal Horizon, (Majaraja Agrassen University, India, 2017).
Roza Pati, Water: An Essential Element For Life. By Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Vatican City. Vatican Press. 2013. 10 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 291 (2015).
Additional Publications:
Roza Pati, Interview, Expert: Pandemic exacerbated human trafficking — Hindered global response, says Roza Pati, appointed to Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, The Florida Catholic (April 14, 2021), available at Miami Archdioceses
Roza Pati, Interview, Sex and the Super Bowl, The Florida Catholic (June 24, 2019), available at Miami Archdioceses
Roza Pati, Comment, With Pope’s Challenge Comes Call for Attorneys to Fight Climate Change, Daily Business Review (July 2, 2015); also featured at “insights” on the Vatican website on Laudato SI available at: iustitiaetpax.va and Daily Business Review
Roza Pati, Interview, Expert Predicts Pope Francis will mention human trafficking during U.S. stay: With talks to Congress and elsewhere, the pontiff will have several opportunities to discuss the “shameful plague,” Q&A with Roza Pati, The Florida Catholic (August 2015), available at Miami Archdioceses
Roza Pati, Interview, by Catholic News Service: In the US, many expect the pope to discuss the ‘shameful plague’ of trafficking August 10, 2015, also posted on: The Catholic Telegraph, The Monitor, or Catholic Crux (Boston Globe).
Benjamin 'B.J.' Priester
Books and Book Chapters:
Benjamin J. Priester, Media Paratext and Constitutional Interpretation, 55 CREIGHTON L. REV. 1 (2021)
Benjamin J. Priester, A Warrant Requirement Resurgence? The Fourth Amendment in the Roberts Court, 93 ST. JOHN’S L. REV. 89 (2019)
Benjamin J. Priester, From Jones To Jones: Fifteen Years of Incoherence in the Constitutional Law of Sentencing Factfinding, 47 UNIV. TOLEDO L. REV. 413 (2016)
Benjamin J. Priester, Five Questions and Three Answers after United States v. Jones (2012), the Fourth Amendment “GPS Case”, 65 OKLA. L. REV. 491 (2013)
Benjamin J. Priester, Apprendi Land Becomes Bizarro World: “Policy Nullification” and Other Surreal Doctrines in the New Constitutional Law of Sentencing, 51 SANTA CLARA L. REV. 1 (2011)
Benjamin J. Priester, Terrorist Detention: Directions for Reform, 45 U. RICH. L. REV. 1201 (2009) (symposium)
Benjamin J. Priester, Who Is A “Terrorist”? Drawing the Line Between Criminal Defendants and Military Enemies, 2008 UTAH L. REV. 1255 (2008)
Benjamin J. Priester, The Canine Metaphor and the Future of Sentencing Reform: Dogs, Tails, and the Constitutional Law of Wagging, 60 S.M.U. L. REV. 209 (2007)
Benjamin J. Priester, Return of the Great Writ: Judicial Review of the Detention of Alleged Terrorists as Enemy Combatants, 37 RUTGERS L.J. 39 (2005)
Benjamin J. Priester, Structuring Sentencing: Apprendi, the Offense of Conviction, and the Limited Role of Constitutional Law, 79 INDIANA L.J. 863 (2004)
Benjamin J. Priester, Constitutional Formalism and the Meaning of Apprendi v. New Jersey, 38 AM. CRIM. L. REV. 281 (2001)
H. Jefferson Powell & Benjamin J. Priester, Convenient Shorthand: The Supreme Court and the Language of State Sovereignty, 71 U. COLO. L. REV. 645 (2000)
Benjamin J. Priester, Paul G. Rozelle & Mirah A. Horowitz, The Independent Counsel Statute: A Legal History, 62 LAW & CONTEMP. PROBS. 5, 8-37 (Winter 1999)
Benjamin J. Priester, Note, Sentenced for a “Crime” the Government Did Not Prove: Jones v. United States and the Constitutional Limitations on Factfinding by Sentencing Factors Rather Than Elements of the Offense, 61 LAW & CONTEMP. PROBS. 249 (Autumn 1998)
Douglas E. Ray, Dean Emeritus
Douglas E. Ray, Calvin William Sharpe & Robert N. Strassfeld, Understanding Labor Law (3d Ed., 2011, LexisNexis Matthew Bender) (Previous editions: 2d ed. 2005, 1st ed. 1999).
Douglas E. Ray, William R. Corbett & Christopher David Ruiz Cameron, Labor-Management Relations: Strikes, Lockouts and Boycotts (3d Ed., 2012, Thomson/West) (Previous editions: 2d Ed. 2004, 1992).
Book Chapters:
Douglas E. Ray and Patricia Thomas Bittel, Fatal Error and Sparks of Genius in Labor Arbitration Advocacy, in AAA Handbook on Labor Arbitration (American Arbitration Association, 2010, Juris Publishing).
Douglas E. Ray, Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards, in Labor and Employment Arbitration (Bornstein, Gosline & Greenbaum, 1997, Matthew Bender).
Douglas E. Ray, Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, in Collective Bargaining in Ohio: The Public Sector (Daniel L. Merritt, Ed., 1985, The University of Toledo).
Douglas E. Ray, The Dean’s Role in Building a Positive Workplace Environment, 42 U. Tol. L. Rev. 657 (2011). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray and Heather S. Karns, Job search skills for the new economy. (Leadership in Legal Education Symposium IX), 40 U. Tol. L. Rev. 403 (2009). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, The Care and Appreciation of Adjunct Faculty, 37 U. Tol. L. Rev. 135 (2005). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray & Patricia Thomas Bittel, Fatal Error & Sparks of Genius in Labor Arbitration Advocacy, 59 Disp. Resol. J. 18 (2004).
Douglas E. Ray, Minnesotan: A Language for Constructive Communication between Faculty and Dean, 34 U. Tol. L. Rev. 159 (2002). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, The ABC’s of Law School Administration: A Guide for the New Dean, 31 U. Tol. L. Rev. 709 (2000). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Title VII Retaliation Cases: Creating a New Protected Class, 58 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 405 (1997). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Sexual Harassment, Labor Arbitration and National Labor Policy, 73 Neb. L. Rev. 812 (1994). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Some Overlooked Aspects of the Strike Replacement Issue, 41 U. Kan. L. Rev. 363 (1992). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, On Writing the Post-Hearing Arbitration Brief, 47 Arb. J. 58 (1992) (Reprinted in Cooper & Nolan, Labor Arbitration: Coursebook, (West 1994) and Cooper, Nolan & Bales, ADR In the Workplace (West 2000, 2005)).
Douglas E. Ray, Withdrawal of Recognition after Curtin Matheson {NLRB v. Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., 110 S. Ct. 1542}: A House Built upon Sand, 25 U.S.F.L. Rev. 265 (1991). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Protecting the Parties’ Bargain after Misco: Court Review of Labor Arbitration Awards, 64 Ind. L.J. 1 (1988). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, The Changing Face of Labor-Management Confrontation in the Late 1980s, 30 B.C. L. Rev. 101 (1988). HeinOnline
Daniel J. Steinbock, William M. Richman & Douglas E. Ray, Expert Testimony on Proximate Cause, 41 Vand. L. Rev. 261 (1988). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Court Review of Labor Arbitration Awards under the Federal Arbitration Act, 32 Vill. L. Rev. 57 (1987). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, The 1986-1987 Labor Board: Has the Pendulum Slowed?, 29 B.C. L. Rev. 1 (1987). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Jennifer Gallagher & Nancy A. Butler, Regulating Union Representation Election Campaign Tactics: A Comparative Study of Private and Public Sector Approaches, 66 Neb. L. Rev. 532 (1987). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Jennifer Gallagher & Nancy A. Butler, The Ohio SERB and Representation Campaign Issues, 18 U. Tol. L. Rev. 339 (1987). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Individual Rights and NLRB Deferral to the Arbitration Process: A Proposal, 28 B.C. L. Rev. 1 (1986). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Industrial Stability and Decertification Elections: Need for Reform, 1984 Ariz. St. L.J. 257 (1984). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Withdrawal of Recognition from an Incumbent Union under the National Labor Relations Act: An Appraisal, 28 Vill. L. Rev. 869 (1983). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, Buyer Liability under Section 2(f) of the Robinson-Patman Act, 15 U. Rich. L. Rev. 547 (1981). HeinOnline
Douglas E. Ray, R. Craig Evans and Jay H. Steele, Recovery for accidental injuries under the Virginia Workmen’s Compensation Act, 14 U. Rich. L. Rev. 659 (1980). HeinOnline
Book Reviews:
Douglas E. Ray, Values and Assumptions in American Labor Law by James B. Atleson, 6 Indus. Rel. L.J. 381 (1984) (book review).
Amy D. Ronner, Professor of Law Emerita
Amy D. Ronner, Dostoevsky and the Law (2015, Carolina Academic Press).
Amy D. Ronner, Law, Literature, and Therapeutic Jurisprudence (2010, Carolina Academic Press).
Arthur J. England, Jr. & Amy D. Ronner, Practical Guide to the Appellate Courts of Florida (2007, Revere Legal Publishers) (Previous edition: 1997, as England and Ronner’s Practical Guide to the Appellate Courts of Florida).
Amy D. Ronner, Homophobia and the Law (2005, American Psychological Association).
Amy D. Ronner, W.H. Hudson: The Man, The Novelist, The Naturalist (1986, AMS Press).
Book Chapters:
Amy D. Ronner & Bruce J. Winick, The Antitherapeutic Per Curiam Affirmance, in Judging in a Therapeutic Key: Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Courts 316 (Bruce J. Winick & David B. Wexler eds., 2003, Carolina Academic Press).
Amy D. Ronner, Some In-House Appellate Litigation Clinic’s Lessons in Professional Responsibility: Musical Stories of Candor and the Sandbag, in Clinical Anthology Readings for Live-Client Clinics (Alex Hurder et al. eds., 1997, Anderson Pub. Co.).
Amy D. Ronner, Mitya Karamazov Gives the Supreme Court an Onion: The Role of Confessions, 66 Mercer Law Review 673 (2015).
Amy D. Ronner, Recreating Dead House: The Ouster of Miranda from Our Prisons, 50(1) Crim. L. Bull. 1 (2014).
Amy D. Ronner, Let’s Get the “Trans” and “Sex” Out of It and Free Us All, 16(3) J. Gender Race & Just. 859 (2013).
Amy D. Ronner, Does Golyadkin Really Have a Double?: Dostoyevsky Debunks Our Mental Capacity and Insane Delusion Doctrines, 40 Cap. U. L. Rev. 195 (2012). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, When Courts Let Insane Delusions Pass the Rational Basis Test: The Newest Challenge to Florida’s Exclusion of Homosexuals From Adoption, 21 U. Fla. J.L. & Pub. Pol’y 1 (2011). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, The Learned-Helpless Lawyer: Clinical Legal Education and Therapeutic Jurisprudence As Antidotes to Bartleby Syndrome, 24 Touro L. Rev. 601 (2009). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, The Crucible, Harvard’s Secret Court, and Homophobic Witch Hunts, 73 Brook. L. Rev. 217 (2007). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Dostoyevsky and the Therapeutic Jurisprudence Confession, 40 J. Marshall L. Rev. 41 (2006). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Banishing the Pied Piper, 18 St. Thomas L. Rev. 207 (2005). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Denaturalization and Death: What It Means to Preclude the Exercise of Judicial Discretion, 20 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 101 (2005). HeinOnline
Juan Ramirez Jr. and Amy D. Ronner, Voiceless Billy-Budd: Melville’s Tribute to the Sixth Amendment, 41 Cal. W. L. Rev. 103 (2004). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Homophobia: In the Closet and In the Coffin, 21 Law & Ineq. 65 (2003). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Songs of Validation, Voice, and Voluntary Participation: Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Miranda and Juveniles, 71 U. Cin. L. Rev. 89 (2002). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Scouting for Intolerance: The Dale Court’s Resurrection of the Medieval Leper, 11 Law & Sexuality 53 (2002). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Fleeing While Black: The Fourth Amendment Apartheid, 32 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 383 (2001). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner and Bruce J. Winick, The Per Curiam Affirmance: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Critique, Record: J. App. Practice Sec. Fla. B., Vol. IX, No. 3, Spring 2001, at 1.
Amy D. Ronner and Dennis J. O’Connor, Good fences make bad neighbors: is the North American Free Trade Agreement a lie for lawyers?, 32 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 437 (2001). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner & Bruce Winick, Silencing the Appellant’s Voice: The Antitherapeutic Per Curiam Affirmance, 24 Seattle U. L. Rev. 499 (2000). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Therapeutic Jurisprudence on Appeal, Court Review, Spring 2000, at 64.
Amy D. Ronner, Women Who Dance on the Professional Track: Custody and the Red Shoes, 23 Harv. Women’s L.J. 173 (2000). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, The Demise of the Reasonable Doubt Standard: The Toxic Watts and Putra Decision, 60 U. Pitt. L. Rev. 373 (1999). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Punishment Meted Out for Acquittals: An Anti-Therapeutic Jurisprudence Atrocity, 41 Ariz. L. Rev. 459 (1999). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, The Cassandra Curse: The Stereotype of the Female Liar Resurfaces in Jones v. Clinton, 31 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 123 (1997). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Some In-House Appellate Litigation Clinic’s Lessons in Professional Responsibility: Musical Stories of Candor and the Sandbag, 45 Am. U. L. Rev. 859 (1996). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Amathia and Denial of “In the Home” In Bowers v. Hardwick and Shahar v. Bowers: Objective Correlatives and The Bacchae as Tools for Analyzing Privacy and Intimacy, 44 U. Kan. L. Rev. 263 (1996). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Prometheus Unbound: Accepting a Mythless Concept of Civil In Rem Forfeiture with Double Jeopardy Protection, 44 Buff. L. Rev. 655 (1996). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Husband and Wife are One-Him: Bennis v. Michigan as the Resurrection of Coverture, 4 Mich. J. Gender & L. 129 (1996). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, When Judges Impose the Death Penalty After the Jury Recommends Life: Harris v. Alabama as the Excision of the Tympanic Membrane in an Augmentedly Death-Biased Procedure, 23 Hastings Const. L.Q. 217 (1995). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Bottoms v. Bottoms: The Lesbian Mother and the Judicial Perpetuation of Damaging Stereotypes, 7 Yale J.L. & Feminism 341 (1995). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Destructive Rules of Certainty and Efficiency: A Study in the Context of Summary Judgment Procedure and the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 28 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 619 (1995). HeinOnline
Amy D. Ronner, Real Students, Real Appeals, Real Courts: The In-House Appellate Litigation Clinic at St. Thomas Univ. School of Law, Record: J. App. Practice Sec. Fla. B., May 1993, at 12.
Amy D. Ronner, Judicial Self-Demise: The Test of When Congress Impermissibly Intrudes on Judicial Power After Robertson v. Seattle Audubon Society and the Federal Appellate Courts’ Rejection of the Separation of Powers Challenges to the New Section of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 35 Ariz. L. Rev. 1037 (1993). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Amy D. Ronner, Comment, The Narrow Public Policy Exception to the Terminable-at-Will Rule, 38 U. Miami L. Rev. 565 (1984). HeinOnline
Jay S. Silver, Professor of Law Emeritus
Jay S. Silver, Legal Intent and the Human Mind (forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).
Jay Silver, Intent Reconceived, 101 Iowa L. Rev. 371 (2015). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, Responsible Solutions: Reply to Tamanaha and Campos, 2 Tex. A&L. Rev. 215 (2015). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, Pedagogically Sound Cuts, Tighter (Not Looser) Accreditation Standards, and a Well-Oiled Doomsday Machine: The Responsible Way Out of the Crisis in Legal Education, 66 Rutgers L. Rev. 353 (2014). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, The Case Against Tamanaha’s Motel 6 Model of Legal Education, 60 UCLA L. Rev. Discourse 50 (2012).
Jay Silver, Professionalism and the Hidden Assault on the Adversarial Process, 55 Ohio St. L.J. 855 (1994). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, Truth, Justice, and the American Way: The Case Against the Client Perjury Rules, 47 Vand. L. Rev. 339 (1994). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, Equality of Arms and the Adversarial Process: A New Constitutional Right, 1990 Wis. L. Rev. 1007 (1990). HeinOnline
Jay Silver, The Duty to Rescue: A Reexamination and Proposal, 26 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 423 (1985) Reprinted at 42 Revista de Doutrina e Jurisprudência 86. HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Jay Silver, Week-long FBI investigation likely a Pyrrhic victory, The Hill (Oct. 3, 2018), available at: The Hill
Jay Silver, The Contamination of Student Assessment, Inside Higher Ed (Aug. 9, 2018), available at: Inside Higher Ed
Jay Silver, Trump Is Close to Being Right on the Attorney-Client Privilege—But for All the Wrong Reasons, The National Law Journal (Apr. 23, 2018), available at: The National Law Journal
Jay Silver, Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen faces the real price of client loyalty, CNBC (Apr. 11. 2018), available at: CNBC; reprinted at Yahoo! Finance
Jay Silver, The ‘Serious Illogic’ in the Arguments Against Gun Control, CNBC (Feb. 22, 2018), available at: CNBC; reprinted at Yahoo! Finance
Jay Silver, When a Lesson on Historical Oppression Takes an Ugly Turn, The Hill (June 19, 2017), available at: The Hill
Jay Silver, Brokered Conventions and the Paradox of Trump as a Symbol of Democracy, St. Thomas Lawyer 14 (2016), available at: The St. Thomas Lawyer Magazine
Jay Silver, Another Argument Against Laptops in the Classroom, Inside Higher Ed (Aug. 19, 2016), available at: Inside Higher Ed
Jay Silver, Law Schools’ Shell Game of Minority Enrollment, National Law Journal (2015), abstract reprinted in The Year in Opinion: Minority Enrollment Games, National Law Journal (2015).
Jay Silver, Comment, This ‘Extra Credit’ Question Does No Credit to Fairness, The Chronicle of Higher Education (2015).
Jay Silver, Comment, The Only People Who Need to Fear an Affirmative Consent Standard for Rape Are Rapists, The Guardian (2015).
Jay Silver, Comment, Voluntary Station-House Confession as Oxymoron, St. Thomas Lawyer 20 (2015).
Jay Silver, Taking Snowden’s Christmas Message Seriously, The Huffington Post (2014).
Jay Silver, Fixing the Conflict of Interest at the Core of Police Brutality Cases, The Washington Post (2014), reprinted in Dallas Morning News, Louisville Courier-Journal, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and Buenos Aries Herald.
Jay Silver, U. of I. Did Right, But Maybe for Wrong Reasons, The Chicago Sun-Times (2014).
Jay Silver, Top 10 Ironies in the Case Against Snowden, The Huffington Post (2013).
Jay Silver, Posturing in the U.S. v. Snowden, The Huffington Post (2013).
Jay Silver, On the Hearing to Put Jodi Arias to Death, The Huffington Post (2013).
Jay Silver, Making Sense of Incognito’s Bullying, Tikkun Daily (2013).
Jay Silver, On the Importance of Subtle Distinctions: A Short Exercise in Close Reading and Critical Thinking, L. Tchr (2013).
Jay Silver, Rethinking Success: Justice Fred Lewis’ Remarks at the 25th Anniversary Celebration of the St. Thomas Law Review, 25 St. Thomas L. Rev. 291 (2013).
Jay Silver, Todd Akin’s Remarks: The Broader Meaning, The Huffington Post (2012), originally appearing in Huffington Magazine (2012).
Jay Silver, Trayvon Martin’s Killing and the Arrest No One Understands, National Law Journal (2012).
Jay Silver, The Flawed Past and Perilous Future of Political Conventions, The Detroit News (2012), reprinted in The Huffington Post, For Convention Junkies: The Flawed Past and Perilous Future, (2012).
Jay Silver, Brutality On Field and Off Seems Linked, San Francisco Chronicle (2012).
Jay Silver, Can the Law Make Us Be Decent?, The New York Times (2012), reprinted in The International Herald Tribune (2012).
Jay Silver, Scott Brown’s Racial Stereotyping of Elizabeth Warren, Tikkun Daily (2012).
Jay Silver, Sandy Hook Exposes the Logic Gap In Opposition to Gun Control, Christian Science Monitor (2012), highlighted on Google News.
Jay Silver, Drew Peterson’s Case: The Lesson for Both Sides, National Law Journal (2012).
Jay Silver, Todd Akin’s Remarks: The Broader Meaning, The Huffington Post (2012).
Jay Silver, Raising the Consciousness of Lawmakers Instead of Our Children’s Pants, The Huffington Post (2012).
Jay Silver, Our Hubris Over American Criminal Justice, The Huffington Post (2012).
Jay Silver, The Indignities of Public Defending, National Law Journal (2012).
Jay Silver, On the Appropriate Breadth of Coverage, 19 L. Tchr 24 (2012).
Jay Silver, Trayvon Martin’s Killing and Probable Cause, National Law Journal (2012), cited on MSNBC.
Jay Silver, Blaming the Jews: Old Wine in a New Bottle, Tikkun Daily (2012).
Siegfried Wiessner
Siegfried Wiessner, Mahnoush Arsanjani, Jacob Katz Cogan & Robert D. Sloane, eds., Looking to the Future: Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman (2011, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
W. Michael Reisman, Mahnoush H. Arsanjani, Siegfried Wiessner, Gayl S. Westerman, International Law in Contemporary Perspective (2d ed., 2004, Foundation Press).
Siegfried Wiessner, Die Funktion der Staatsangehörigkeit (1989, Attempto Verlag).
Siegfried Wiessner & Claudius Hennig eds., Lager und Menschliche Würde (1982, AS-Verlag).
Book Chapters:
Siegfried Wiessner, “Indigenous Peoples and Cultural Heritage” in The Oxford Handbook of International Cultural Heritage Law (Oxford University Press, July, 2020)
Siegfried Wiessner, “Doctors of the Social Order”: Introduction to the New Haven Methodology, in Handbook on Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law: A Spring School from the New Haven Perspective (2014, Georg Thieme Verlag).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Cultural Dimension of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in International Law for Common Goods: Normative Perspectives on Human Rights, Culture and Nature (2014, Oxford University Press).
Siegfried Wiessner, Culture and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in The Cultural Dimension of Human Rights (2013, Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Oxford University Press).
Siegfried Wiessner, The State and Indigenous Peoples: The Historic Significance of ILA Resolution No. 5/2012, in Der Staat im Recht. Festschrift für Eckart Klein Zum 70. Geburtstag 1357. (M. Breuer et al., 2013, Duncker & Humblot).
Siegfried Wiessner, Indigenous Self-Determination, Culture and Land: A Reassessment in Light of the 2007 UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, in Indigenous Rights in the Age of the UN Declaration 31 (Elvira Pulitano ed., 2012, Cambridge University Press).
Mahnoush H. Arsanjani, Jacob Katz Cogan, Robert D. Sloane and Siegfried Wiessner, Introduction, in Looking to the Future: Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman xiii (Mahnoush H. Arsanjani, Jacob Katz Cogan, Robert D. Sloane and Siegfried Wiessner, eds., 2011, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Siegfried Wiessner, Michael Reisman, Human Dignity, and the Law, in Looking to the Future: Essays on International Law in Honor of W. Michael Reisman 21 (Mahnoush H. Arsanjani, Jacob Katz Cogan, Robert D. Sloane and Siegfried Wiessner, eds., 2011, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Siegfried Wiessner, Founding myths, international law and voting rights in the District of Columbia, in Making Transnational Law Work in the Global Economy: Essays in Honour of Detlev Vagts 174 (Pieter H. F. Bekker, Rudolf Dolzer & Michael Waibel eds., 2010, Cambridge University Press).
Siegfried Wiessner, The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Selected Issues, in The Diversity of International Law: Essays in Honour of Professor Kalliopi K. Koufa 343 (Aristotle Constantinides & Nikos Zaikos eds., 2009, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Siegfried Wiessner, Demographic Change and the Protection of Minorities, in Globaler Demographischer Wandel und Schutz Der Menschenrechte 155 (Eckart Klein ed., 2005, Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag).
Siegfried Wiessner, Ethnic Groups, in Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity 304 (Dinah Shelton ed., 2005, Macmillan Reference).
Siegfried Wiessner, Legitimacy and Accountability of NGOs: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, in From Government to Governance – 2003 Hague Joint Conference on Contemporary Issues of International Law 95 (W.P. Heere ed., 2004, ).
Siegfried Wiessner & Andrew R. Willard, Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence and Human Rights Abuses in Internal Conflict: Toward a World Public Order of Human Dignity, in The Methods of International Law (Anne-Marie Slaughter & Steven R. Ratner eds., 2004, American Society of International Law).
Siegfried Wiessner, Exploring the Edge: The Personal Reach of Transnational Agreement to Arbitrate, in “In einem vereinten Europa dem Frieden der Welt zu dienen–” : liber amicorum Thomas Oppermann 453 (Thomas Oppermann, Claus Dieter Classen, et al., 2001, Duncker & Humblot).
Siegfried Wiessner et al., Faces of Vulnerability: Protecting Individuals, in Organic and Non-Organic Groups, The Living Law of Nations (Gudmundur Alfredsson & Peter Macalister-Smith eds., 1996, N.P. Engel).
Siegfried Wiessner, American Indian Treaties and Modern International Law, in Sovereignty Symposium VIII: Looking Ahead, Looking Back (Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission, ed., 1995, Supreme Court of Oklahoma).
Siegfried Wiessner & Myres S. McDougal, Law and Minimum World Public Order, in The International Law of War (Myres S. McDougal & Florentino Felician eds., 1994, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Siegfried Wiessner, Human Activities in Outer Space: A Framework for Decision-Making, in Space Law: Views of the Future (Tanja L Zwaan, et al., 1988, Kluwer).
Siegfried Wiessner, Vom “verwalteten Grundrecht” zum “verwalteten Menschen”?, in Politisches Asyl und Einwanderung 92 (Ulrich O. Sievering ed., 1984, Haag + Herchen).
Siegfried Wiessner, Die “Vorläufige Wohnheimordnung”: Anmerkungen zum Statut des Sammellagers Tübingen, Lager und Menschliche Würde, in Lager und Menschliche Wurde 77 (Siegfried Wiessner & Claudius Hennig eds., 1982, AS-Verlag).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Rule of Law: Prolegomena, Zeitschrift für deutsches und amerikanisches Recht, German-American Law Review 82 (June 2018).
Siegfried Wiessner, Human Rights and Cultural Identity: The Case of Indigenous Peoples, Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale, Human Rights and International Law, Italy 333 (May-August 2018).
Siegfried Wiessner, El Estado y los pueblos indígenas: La importancia histórica de la Resolución No. 5/2012 de la ILA (Asociación de Derecho Internacional), 51 Ars Juris. Revista del Instituto Panamericano de Jurisprudencia [Mexico] 209 (2018 [2018]).
Siegfried Wiessner, Democratizing International Arbitration? Mass Claims Proceedings in Abaclat V. Argentina, 1 J. COMP. & INT’L L. 55 (2014). SSRN
Siegfried Wiessner, The Powers of the President, 1 LMU L. Rev. 103 (2013).
Siegfried Wiessner, Re-Enchanting the World: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights as Essential Parts of a Holistic Human Rights Regime, 15 UCLA J. Int’l L. & Foreign Aff. 239 (2012).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Cultural Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Achievements and Continuing Challenges, 22 Eur. J. Int’l L. 121 (2011). HeinOnline
Lorie M. Graham and Siegfried Wiessner, Indigenous Sovereignty, Culture, and International Human Rights Law, 110 S. Atlantic Q. 403 (2011).
Siegfried Wiessner, The New Haven School of Jurisprudence: A Universal Toolkit for Understanding and Shaping the Law, 18 Asia Pac. L.Rev. 45 (2010).
Siegfried Wiessner, Re-Enchanting the World: Indigenous Peoples’ Rights as Essential Parts of a Holistic Human Rights Regime, 15(1) UCLA J. Int’l L. & Foreign Aff. 239 (2010). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Rights of Indigenous Peoples (Committee Report), ABILA Newsletter (American Branch of the International Law Association), January 2009, at 7.
Siegfried Wiessner, The Cuban Embargo and Human Rights: Introductory Remarks, 4 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 5 (2009). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Activities Report, Chair, ILA Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ABILA Newsletter (American Branch of the International Law Association), January 2009, at 7 http://ila-americanbranch.org/newsletters/ABILANews2009-01.pdf.
Siegfried Wiessner, Law as a Means to a Public Order of Human Dignity: The Jurisprudence of Michael Reisman, 34 Yale J. Int’l L. 525 (2009) http://www.yale.edu/yjil/files_PDFs/vol34/Conference.pdf. HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Indigenous Sovereignty: A Reassessment in Light of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 41 Vand. J. Transnat’l L. 1141 (2008). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Council Comment: The U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision in Medellín v. Texas, ASIL Newsletter, April/June 2008, at 14.
W. Michael Reisman, Siegfried Wiessner & Andrew R. Willard, New Haven School: A Brief Introduction, 32 Yale J. Int’l L. 575 (2007). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Council Comment: The International Court of Justice’s Decision in Bosnia and Herzegovina V. Serbia and Montenegro, ASIL Newsletter, V. 23, No. 2, Spring 2007, at 9.
S. James Anaya & Siegfried Wiessner, The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Towards Re-empowerment, JURIST, October 3, 2007, at http://www.jurist.org/forum/2007/10/un-declaration-on-rights-of-indigenous.php (reprinted in Third World Resurgence, No. 206, Oct. 2007, at 15; UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, at 45; 3(2) Asian Human Rights Defender 44-46 (July-December 2007)).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Articles on State Responsibility and Contemporary International Law, 34 Thesaurus Acroasium 247 (2006).
Siegfried Wiessner, Dedication, 1 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 1 (2006). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Indigenous Peoples, 13 Y.B. Int’l Envtl. L. 249 (2004) (Previous editions: 12 Y.B. Int’l Envtl. L. 198, 2002; 11 Y.B. Int’l Envtl. L. 155, 2001; 10 Y.B. Int’l Envtl. L. 193, 2000).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Movement Toward Federalism in Italy: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, 15 St. Thomas L. Rev. 301 (2002). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Policy-oriented jurisprudence, 44 German Y.B. Int’l L. 96 (2001).
Siegfried Wiessner, Defending Indigenous Peoples’ Heritage: An Introduction, 14 St. Thomas L. Rev. 271 (2001). HeinOnline
John Carey and Siegfried Wiessner, A New United Nations Subsidiary Organ: The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, ASIL Insight, April 2001, at http://www.asil.org/insigh67.cfm.
Siegfried Wiessner & Marie Battiste, The 2000 Revision of the United Nations Draft Principles and Guidelines on the Protection of the Heritage of Indigenous People, 13 St. Thomas L. Rev. 383 (2000). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Joining Control to Authority: The Hardened “Indigenous Norm”, 25 Yale J. Int’l L. 301 (2000). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner & Andrew R. Willard, Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence and Human Rights Abuses in Internal Conflict: Toward a World Public Order of Human Dignity, 93 Am. J. Int’l L. 316 (1999). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Rights and Status of Indigenous Peoples: A Global Comparative and International Legal Analysis, 12 Harv. Hum. Rts. J. 57 (1999) reprinted in International Law and Indigenous Peoples 257-328 (S. James Anaya ed., 2003, Ashgate/Dartmouth). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Professor Myres S. McDougal: A Tender Farewell, 11 St. Thomas L. Rev. 203 (1999) Reprinted in Myres Smith McDougal: Appreciations of an Extraordinary Man (Myres Smith McDougal, 1999, Yale Law School). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, ¡Esa India! LatCrit Theory and the Place of Indigenous Peoples Within Latina/o Communities, 53 U. Miami L. Rev. 831 (1999) Reprinted in Latinos and the Law, Cases and Materials 166 (Richard Delgado, Juan F. Perea & Jean Stefancic eds., 2008, Thomson/West). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, International Law in the 21st Century: Decisionmaking in Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Settings, 23 Thesaurus Acroasium 113 (1998).
Siegfried Wiessner, Marathon Oil Co. v. Ruhrgas AG: Amicus Curiae Brief by Professors of International Arbitration, 9 World Arb. & Mediation Rep. (BNA) 137 (1998).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Proposed American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 6 Int’l J. Cultural Prop. 356 (1997).
Siegfried Wiessner, Introduction, 10 St. Thomas L. Rev. 5 (1997). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, American Indian Treaties and Modern International Law, 7 St. Thomas L. Rev. 567 (1995). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, La Violencia y el Derecho en el Nuevo Orden Mundial, 3 71 (1994).
Siegfried Wiessner, Federalism: An Architecture for Freedom, 1 New Eur. L. Rev. 129 (1993). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner & Myres S. McDougal, Law and Peace in a Changing World, 22 Cumb. L. Rev. 681 (1992). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, The Teaching of Space Law Around the World, 56 Miss. L.J. 447 (1986). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Blessed Be the Ties that Bind: The Nexus Between Nationality and Territory, 56 Miss. L.J. 447 (1986). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Communications in the Earth-Space Arena: Translating Equity into Hertz and Degrees from the Greenwich Meridian, 52 ITU Telecommunication J. 304 (1985).
Siegfried Wiessner, Barriers to Telecom Trade: A Caveat, 2 Telematics 1 (1985).
Siegfried Wiessner, The Public Order of the Geostationary Orbit: Blueprints for the Future, 9 Yale J. World Pub. Ord. 217 (1985). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner & Dieter Lange, Die Schiedsfähigkeit internationaler Antitrust-Streitigkeiten, 10 Recht der Internationalen Wirtschaft 757 (1985).
Siegfried Wiessner & Rüdiger Jung, Das Völkerrechtliche Regime der Geostationären Umlaufbahn, 32 Austrian J. Pub. & Int’l L. 209 (1982).
Siegfried Wiessner, Die Rechtliche Problematik der Sammellager für Asylbewerber in Baden-Württemberg, 3 Informationsbrief Ausländerrecht 261 (1981).
Siegfried Wiessner, Asylverweigerung ohne Anerkennungsverfahren, 7 Europäische Grundrechte-Zeitschrift 473 (1980).
Siegfried Wiessner, Nevil Johnson: Die Institutionen im Studium der Politik, 6 Der Staat 1 (1977).
Book Reviews:
Siegfried Wiessner, Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards:Self-Determination, Culture and Land by Alexandra Xanthaki, 103 Am. J. Int’l L. 188 (2009) (book review). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, The Reasons Requirement in International Investment Arbitration. Critical Case Studies by Guillermo Aguilar Alvarez & W. Michael Reisman, eds., 4 Global Arbitration Rev. 38 (2009) (book review).
Siegfried Wiessner, Die Schule Von New Haven: Darstellung und Kritik Einer Amerikanischen Völkerrechtslehre by Sandra Voos, 96 Am. J. Int’l L. 498 (2002) (book review). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, Staatsangehörigkeit im Wandel, 85 Am. J. Int’l L. 422 (1991) (book review). HeinOnline
Siegfried Wiessner, The Teaching of Space Law Around the World by Stephen Gorove, 15 J. Space L. 75 (1987) (book review). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Siegfried Wiessner, Final Report and ILA Resolution No. 5/2012 on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,International Law Association Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 75th ILA Biennial Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 26-30, 2012. (2012). http://www.ila-hq.org/en/committees/index.cfm/cid/1024.
Siegfried WiessnerInterim Report, International Law Association Committee on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, ILA Biennial Meeting, The Hague, August 2010 (2010) http://www.ila-hq.org/en/committees/index.cfm/cid/1024.
Siegfried Wiessner, Introductory Note, General Assembly resolution 61/295 of 13 September 2007 (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, Historical Archives (2009)
Siegfried Wiessner, The Rights and Status of Indigenous Peoples, United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, Lecture Series (2009) http://untreaty.un.org/cod/avl/ls/Wiessner_HR.html.
Siegfried Wiessner, Introductory Note, General Assembly resolution 61/295 of 13 September 2007 (United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law, Historical Archives (2007)
Siegfried Wiessner, Non-State Actors and Their Impact on International Human Rights Law, AALS Workshop on Human Rights, Oct. 26-28, 2000 (2000) http://www.aals.org/profdev/humanrights/weissner.html.
Siegfried Wiessner et al., United States Agency for International Development, M/OP/ENI/DGSR, Evaluation of the Rule of Law Program in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States: The American Bar Association/Central and East European Law Initiative (ABA/CEELI) – Final Report (1999).
Mark J. Wolff
Book Chapters:
Mark J. Wolff, Exploring the Alternative of Restorative Justice, in Beyond the Death Penalty: The Development of Catholic Social Teaching (Joe Holland & D. Michael McCarron eds., 2007, Pax Romana Center).
Mark J. Wolff, Indian Gaming and Indian Sovereignty, in Sovereignty Symposium VIII, Looking Ahead – Looking Back (Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission ed., 1995, Supreme Court of Oklahoma).
Mark J. Wolff, Failure of the International Monetary Fund & World Bank to Achieve Integral Development: A Critical Historical Assessment of Bretton Woods Institutions Policies, Structures, & Governance, 2 Global Bus. L.Rev. 72 (2013).
Mark J. Wolff, Failure of the International Monetary Fund & World Bank to Achieve Integral Development: A Critical Historical Assessment of Bretton Woods Institutions Policies, Structures, & Governance, 41(1) Syracuse J. Intl. L. & Com. 71 (2013).
Mark J. Wolff, Congressional Unilateral Tax Treaty Overrides: The “Latter In Time Doctrine” “Is Out of Time!, 9(7) Fla. Tax Rev. 699 (2009). HeinOnline
Mark J. Wolff, Intervention and Presentation to the United Nations International Consultative Conference on Education in relation to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance and Non-Discrimination, Madrid Spain, 26 Notebook 27 (2002).
Mark J. Wolff, Sex, Race, and Age: Double Discrimination in Torts and Taxes, 78 Wash. U. L.Q. 1341 (2000). HeinOnline
Mark J. Wolff, Spirituality, Culture and Tradition: An Introduction to the Role of Tribal Courts and Councils in Reclaiming Native American Heritage and Sovereignty, 7 St. Thomas L. Rev. 761 (1995) Reprinted at Native Am. L. Dig., June 1996, at 1. HeinOnline
Mark J. Wolff, Confined: The Taxation of Gratuitous Transfers of Use, 21 Stetson L. Rev. 509 (1992) Reprinted in Monthly Digest of Tax Articles, June 1993. HeinOnline
Mark J. Wolff, Home Rule in Florida: A Critical Appraisal, 19 Stetson L. Rev. 853 (1990). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Mark J. Wolff, The Pax Romana Law-Student Internship Program at the United nations: A Path To Leadership in Global Ethics (2008) http://professormarkwolff.synthasite.com/resources/2008%20Pax%20Romana%20Law%20Student%20Internship%20Program%20-%20Mark%20Wolff.pdf (follow “2008 Pax Romana Law Student Internship Program” hyperlink).
Mark J. Wolff, The Tearful Janjaweed Trail of Violence (2007) http://professormarkwolff.synthasite.com/resources/2008%20Pax%20Romana%20Law%20Student%20Internship%20Program%20-%20Mark%20Wolff.pdf (follow “2007 Pax Romana Statement on Human Rights in Darfur” hyperlink).
Mark J. Wolff, Education in Relation to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance, and Non-Discrimination, Intervention paper presented Before the Plenary Session of the United Nations International Consultative Conference on School Education in Relation to Freedom of Religion or Belief, Tolerance and Non-Discriminationm, November 25, 2001 (2001) http://www.un.org/ICCS/statements/25nov_st.htm#Morning Reprinted in A Soul for Education: Projects for Spiritual and Ethical Learning across Religions 10 (2002).
Mark J. Wolff, Religious Tolerance, Presentation to U.N. Conference on Religious Tolerance, Intervention Paper Published Before the Plenary Session of the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, Sept. 3, 2001 (2001) http://www.un.org/WCAR/statements/3sept_st.htm#Evening Reprinted in The New Dialogue of Civilizations, Roza Pati and Joe Holland, eds., 2002).
Carol L. Zeiner, Professor of Law Emerita
Books and Book Chapters:
Carol L. Zeiner, The Real Estate Transaction as a Teaching Tool, L. Tchr (Spring 2006) , Reprinted in Techniques for Teaching Law 2 (Gerald F. Hess, Steven Friedland, Michael Hunter Schwartz and Sophie Sparrow, Eds., 2011).
Carol Zeiner, Jessica Grobman-Morales, and Anthony R. “Andy” Parrish, Jr., “Race and Housing: The Great Betrayal Revisited and Repaired. Two Proven Approaches and a New Proposal for Low Income Homeownership” 29 ABA J. of Affordable Housing and Comm. Dev. 535 (2021)
Carol L. Zeiner, A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of Government’s Directives on Student to Student Campus Rape, 47 Journal of Law and Education 427 (2018).
Carol L. Zeiner, Getting Deals Done: Enhancing Negotiation Theory and Practice Through a Therapeutic Jurisprudence/ Comprehensive Law Mindset, 21 Harv. Negot. L. Rev. 279 (Spring 2016). SSRN
Carol L. Zeiner, Should Therapeutic Jurisprudence be Used to Analyze Impacts of Legal Processes on Government?, 28 St. Thomas L. Rev. 1 (Spring 2016). SSRN
Carol L. Zeiner, Kelo Through the Lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence, 6 Phoenix L. Rev. 857 (2013), invited article for annual issue on therapeutic jurisprudence and comprehensive law. HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Marching Across the Putative Black/White Race Line: A Convergence of Narratology, History and Theory, 33 B.C. J. L. & Soc. Sci. 249 (2013). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, A Therapeutic Jurisprudence Analysis of the Use of Eminent Domain to Create a Leasehold, 2013 Utah L. Rev. 883 & 33 Utah Envtl. L. Rev. 197 (2013). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Eminent Domain Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: Private Benefit Masquerading as a Classic Public Use, 28 Va. Envtl. L.J. 1 (2010). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, When Kelo Met Twombly-Iqbal: Implications for Pretext Challenges to Eminent Domain, 46(2) Willamette L. Rev. 201 (2009). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Section 529 Prepaid College Tuition Scholarships: Help in Uncertain Economic Times, 55(2) Wayne L. Rev. 1061 (2009). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Establishing a Leasehold through Eminent Domain: A Slippery Slope Made More Treacherous by Kelo, 56(2) Cath. U. L. Rev. 503 (2007). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Zoned Out! Examining Campus Speech Zones, 66(1) La. L. Rev. 1 (2005). HeinOnline
Carol L. Zeiner, Monetary and Regulatory Hobbling: The Acquistion of Real Property by Public Institutions of Higher Education in Florida, 12(1-2) U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 103 (2004). HeinOnline
Additional Publications:
Carol L. Zeiner, The Fundamental Differences between Taking a Fee Simple and Creating a Leasehold via Eminent Domain. Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Litigation (28th Annual ALI-ABA Course of Study) and Condemnation 101: Making the Complex Simple in Eminent Domain (Sixth Annual ALI-ABA Course of Study). (2011).
Carol L. Zeiner, Speaking Out on Campus Speech Zones. 26th Annual National Conference on Law and Higher Education (February 2005). (2005).