Roza Pati
St. John Paul II Distinguished Professor of Law
Director, Graduate Program in Intercultural Human Rights
Founding Director, John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy
Phone: 305.474.2447
St. Thomas University College of Law
Human Rights Suite (206)
16401 NW 37th Ave
Miami Gardens, FL 33054
B.A., University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, highest honors
J.D. (equivalent) University of Tirana, Faculty of Law, honors
LL.M., St. Thomas University School of Law, summa cum laude
Dr. iur., University of Potsdam, Faculty of Law, summa cum laude
Cybersecurity and International Law
Human Rights Law
Human Trafficking Law
International Criminal Law
International Law
New Haven School of Thought
Terrorism and Human Rights
Roza Pati
Dr. Pati is St. John Paul II Distinguished Professor of Law at St. Thomas University College of Law, where she also co-directs the programs of Master of Laws and the Doctorate of the Science of Law in Intercultural Human Rights. She teaches International Law, Human Rights Law, Human Trafficking Law, and Comparative Law. Inspired by her work against human trafficking since the early 1990s, Dr. Pati founded in 2010 the John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy, an institute she continues to direct.
She is Faculty Adviser of the Intercultural Human Rights Law Review and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the international series: Studies in Intercultural Human Rights, published by BRILL/ Martinus Nijhoff.
Formerly a Member of Parliament and a Cabinet Member serving as the Secretary of State for Youth and Women of Albania, Dr. Pati has a wealth of experience in public service and academia. In 2012, Dr. Pati was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to serve as Member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace at the Vatican, and in 2020 she was appointed by the Holy Father Pope Francis to serve as Member of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, The Vatican.
In 2009, her doctoral dissertation was awarded the Wolf Rüdiger Bub Prize for the Promotion of the New Generation of Legal Scholars, by the University of Potsdam School of Law, Potsdam, Germany.
Dr. Pati was the Commencement Speaker at the Luarasi University School of Law, Tirana, Albania (2010), and at Carlos Albizu University, Miami (2014). For several years she was Visiting Professor of Law at the Romanian-American University in Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Pati is the recipient of several community awards including the Voice of Freedom Award (2017) from A Voice in the Wilderness and The Woman’s Table, and the inaugural Gillen-Massey Award (2022). In 2005, Professor Pati facilitated the preparation of The Miami Declaration of Principles on Human Trafficking, a set of law and policy recommendations, and she has made presentations on human trafficking in the capacity of an expert in several national and international symposia, conferences and seminars. Dr. Pati is a prolific scholar who has written extensively in the field of international law, human rights, human trafficking and international criminal law. She is a globally published author of books, book chapters and law review articles in multiple languages and she lectures at academic, governmental and inter-governmental institutions around the world.
Books and Book Chapters:
Roza Pati, W. Michael Reisman, eds., HUMAN FLOURISHING: THE END OF LAW (2023, BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Regulating Terrorist Activity in Cyberspace: Issues at Stake, in RESEARCH AGENDA ON CYBERPOLICY, (Roy Balleste Ed., forthcoming 2024, EE Elgar Publishing)
Roza Pati & Michael Reisman: Siegfried Wiessner: A Life in the Pursuit of Human Flourishing for All, in Human Flourishing: The End of Law (W. Michael Reisman & Roza Pati, eds. 3 (2023, BRILL/Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Neoliberalism and Human Rights, in STATE, CIVIL SOCIETY AND HUMAN RIGHTS: 1st Edition 3 (2020).
Roza Pati, Trafficking in Human Beings: The Convergence of Criminal Law and Human Rights Law, in the SAGE Handbook of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery (2018, SAGE Publications).
Roza Pati, People on the Move: The Vulnerability of Migrants and Human Trafficking, in Refugiados, Imigrantes e Igualdade dos Povos – Estudos em Homenagem a António Guterres (Pinto, Perazzolo et al, 2017, Quartier Latin Do Brasil).
Roza Pati, The OSCE and the Conflict Cycle through the Prism of the Ukraine Crisis: What Went Wrong?, in Forty Years Since the Signing of the Helsinki Final Act (Institute for Comparative Law & INTERMEX, 2015, Belgrade, Serbia).
Roza Pati, Wilhelm Kirch & Siegfried Wiessner, Handbook on Human Trafficking, Public Health and the Law: A Spring School from the New Haven Perspective (2014, George Thieme Verlag).
Roza Pati, Trafficking in Persons and Transnational Organized Crime: A Policy-Oriented Perspective, in Handbook on Human Traficking, Public Health and the Law: A Spring School from the New Haven Perspective 27 (2014, George Thieme Verlag).
Roza Pati, The Categorical Imperative to End Modern-Day Slavery: Subsidiarity, Privatization, and the State’s Duty to Protect, in Der Staat Im Recht. Festschrift für Eckart Klein zum 70. Geburtstag, 1219 (M. Breuer et al., eds., 2013, Duncker & Humblot).
Roza Pati, Combating Human Trafficking Through Transnational Law Enforcement Cooperation: The Case of South Eastern Europe, in Policing Across Borders: The Role of Law Enforcement in Global Governance (2012, Springer).
Roza Pati, No Cierre Sus Ojos: La Trata Existe–The Global Effort to Combat Human Trafficking: Its Strengths & Weaknesses, in Libro de Derecho Penal Especial (2012, Universidad Libre, Columbia).
Roza Pati, Beyond the Duty to Protect: Expanding Accountability and Responsibilities of the State in Combating Human Trafficking, in The Diversity of International Law: Essays in Honour of Kalliopi Koufa 319 (Aristotle Constantinides & Nikos Zaikos, eds., 2009, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Due Process and International Terrorism (2009, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers).
Roza Pati, Fair Trial Standards under Human Rights Treaty Law and the ICTY: A Process of Cross-Fertilization?, in ICTY: Towards a Fair Trial? 147 (Thomas Kruessmann ed., 2008, Intersentia).
Roza Pati, Information About the UN Dialogue of Civilizations, in The New Dialogue of Civilizations 16 (Roza Pati & Joe Holland eds., 2005, Xlibris Press).
Roza Pati & Joe Holland, eds., The New Dialogue of Civilizations (2005, Xlibris).
Roza Pati, Global Regulation of Corporate Conduct: Effective Pursuit of a Slave-Free Supply Chain, 68 American U. L. Rev. 1821 (2019), available at American University Law Review.
Roza Pati, From the Graceful Sari to the Scourge of Dowry: Indian Women in the Crucible of Tradition, 8 Kerala U. J. of Legal Studies (2015).
Roza Pati, Marshalling the Forces of Good: Religion and the Fight Against Human Trafficking, 9 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 1 (2014). Also published as Blueprint, by Caritas in Veritate Foundation, Geneva, (September 2014), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Human Trafficking: An Issue of Human and National Security, 4 Nat’l Security and Armed Conflict L. Rev. 29 (2014).
Roza Pati, Trading in Humans: A New Haven Perspective, 20 Asia Pacific L. Rev. 135 (2012).
Roza Pati, Domestic Servitude: a Contemporary Form of Slavery, 7 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 9 (2012), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, States’ Positive Obligations with Respect to Human Trafficking: The European Court of Human Rights Breaks New Ground in Rantsev v. Cyprus & Russia, 29 B.U. Int’l L.J. 79 (2011). HeinOnline.
Roza Pati, Der Schutz der EMRK bei Menschenhandel: Rantsev v. Zypern und Russland, 2011 Neue Juristische Wochenschrift 128 (2011).
Roza Pati, US Immigration Detention: Policy and Procedure from a Human Rights Perspective-Introductory Remarks, 5 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 5 (2010), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Schwierige Gratwanderung: Die international Terrorismus ist fuer die Demokratie eine grosse Herausforderung, Portal–Das Potsdamer Universitaetsmagazin, Jan.-Mar. 2009, at 28.
Roza Pati, The ICC and the Case of Sudan’s Omar Al Bashir: Is Plea-Bargaining a Valid Option?, 15 U.C. Davis J. Int’l L. & Pol’y 265 (2009). HeinOnline.
Roza Pati, Addressing the Scourge of Human Trafficking: The Challenge Ahead, 1 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 75 (2006), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, The Miami Declaration of Principles on Human Trafficking: Its Genesis and Purpose, 1 Intercultural Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 5 (2006), available at Intercultural Human Rights Law Review.
Roza Pati, Rights and Their Limits: the Constitution for Europe in International and Comparative Legal Perspective, 23 Berkeley J. Int’l L. 223 (2005), HeinOnline.
Roza Pati, Intercultural Human Rights: A 21st Century Challenge, Int’l Graduate, Vol. 6, at 38.
Book Reviews:
Roza Pati, FAMILY LAW CASEBOOK, by Arta Mandro Balili and Juelda Lamce (2022), (“E drejta familjare përmes rasteve praktike” Arta MANDRO-BALILI & Juelda LAMÇE). Recensent:Prof. Dr. Roza PATI (book review in Albanian).
Roza Pati, Foreword, Mohammad Mahmoud Ibrahim, Women’s Rights Under International, American, Islamic and Egyptian Law: An Irresolvable Conflict? (Council on International Law and Politics, forthcoming 2022).
Roza Pati, Foreword, Gabriela Curras DeBellis, Eradicating Human Trafficking: Culture, Law and Policy (BRILL/Nijhoff, 2022).
Roza Pati, Responding to Modern Genocide: At the Confluence of Law and Politics. By Mark D. Kielsgard. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2016. Pp. 255. 10 Reprinted in Changing Dimensions of Legal Horizon, (Majaraja Agrassen University, India, 2017).
Roza Pati, Water: An Essential Element For Life. By Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Vatican City. Vatican Press. 2013. 10 Intercultural Human Rights Law Review 291 (2015).
Additional Publications:
Roza Pati, Interview, Expert: Pandemic exacerbated human trafficking — Hindered global response, says Roza Pati, appointed to Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, The Florida Catholic (April 14, 2021), available at Archdiocese of Miami.
Roza Pati, Interview, Sex and the Super Bowl, The Florida Catholic (June 24, 2019), available at Archdiocese of Miami.
Roza Pati, Comment, With Pope’s Challenge Comes Call for Attorneys to Fight Climate Change, Daily Business Review (July 2, 2015); also featured at “insights” on the Vatican website on Laudato SI available at: and Daily Business Review.
Roza Pati, Interview, Expert Predicts Pope Francis will mention human trafficking during U.S. stay: With talks to Congress and elsewhere, the pontiff will have several opportunities to discuss the “shameful plague,” Q&A with Roza Pati, The Florida Catholic (August 2015), available at Miami Archdioceses.
Roza Pati, Interview, by Catholic News Service: In the US, many expect the pope to discuss the ‘shameful plague’ of trafficking August 10, 2015, also posted on: The Catholic Telegraph, The Monitor, or Catholic Crux (Boston Globe).
- Cybersecurity and International Law
- International Law
- Human Trafficking Law & Policy
- Introduction to Human Rights Law
- Health and Human Rights
- Policy-Oriented Jurisprudence
- Comparative Law Seminar
Dr. Roza Pati’s Fireside Chat Series
A series of conversations featuring eminent experts in human trafficking law, policy, and practice.
STU Law News
Professor Roza Pati lectures on Migration and Human Trafficking: A Perspective on How to Frame the Issue of the Push and Pull Factors that Cause People to Migrate, in the HTA Certificate Program on Migration and Human Trafficking: Tracing Root Causes & Seeking Intensional Solutions, July 2022.
The inaugural Gillen-Massey Award: TRAPPED: Lessons from the Trenches was presented to Dr. Roza Pati, Founding Director of the John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy, on January 11, 2022, during National Human Trafficking Prevention Month, by the community organization A Voice in the Wilderness Empowerment Center, in Ft. Myers, Florida.
Professor Roza Pati delivers Opening Address: Integration: Uniting the Different Components and the Multiple Dimensions of the Anti-trafficking Work to Counter the Fragmenting Effect, at Integration Challenges: All Hands on Deck to End Human Trafficking in Southwest Florida (Fort Myers, Florida, January 11, 2022—with SAO 20th Judicial Circuit).
Professor Roza Pati delivers Keynote Address, Post COVID-19 Challenges to Justice and Peace, The Holy See’s World Meeting of Justice and Peace Commissions of the Episcopal Conferences (The Vatican, December 18-19, 2021).
Professor Roza Pati lectures to health care professionals: The Concept of Integral Human Development as a Path to Human Flourishing for Survivors of Human Trafficking, in the HTA Certificate Program on Assessing Human Trafficking through the Lens of Health Care: Examinations in Health and Law. Healing with Integral Development (October 2021).
Professor Roza Pati presents on A Communion in Diversity at a Live Webinar: Towards an Ever Wider “We”: Case Study –Afghanistan, (September 24, 2021, with the support of the Migration and Refugee Section, The Vatican).
Professor Roza Pati moderates a panel on The Challenges of Unaccompanied Minors, July 30, 2021.
Professor Roza Pati offers Guest Lecture on: Social Media and Human Rights, at Youth Civic Education and Engagement Program, University of Stetson College of Law, St. Petersburgh, Florida (July 21, 2021).
Holy Father Pope Francis recently appointed St. Thomas University College of Law professor, Executive Director of the LL.M./ J.S.D. program in Intercultural Human Rights, and Founding Director of the John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy, Dr. Roza Pati, to serve on the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.
In January and February, 2020, Dr. Roza Pati, Founder and Director of The John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy, traveled to India to educate and train higher-level students and faculty, coming to Kerala from 40 law schools and colleges from all over India, on human rights and human trafficking.
On July 27th- 31st, St. Thomas University School of Law hosts its online Summer 2020 Human Trafficking Academy on the state of labor trafficking domestically and abroad. This year’s theme focuses on a critical assessment of the 20th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act.
Human Trafficking Academy director, Dr. Roza Pati, was recently interviewed on Catholic Close-Up with Michael Roberts on the Living Bread Radio Network regarding the social phenomenon of human trafficking.
Professor Roza Pati recently participated in the conference on Xenophobia, Racism, and Populist Nationalism in the Context of Global Migration.
Professor Roza Pati recently presented at an international conference on Human Rights in the 21st Century, organized by the University of Saskatchewan School of Law, in Canada. Her presentation was titled Slavery Then and Now: An Eternal Human Rights Problem.
At the request of the U.S. Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program, St. Thomas Law and Professor Roza Pati recently welcomed a delegation of government officials from the Middle East and North Africa for a lecture on U.S. Human Trafficking Law and Policy.
St. Thomas Law professor and member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, Dr. Roza Pati, recently published an opinion editorial in the July 2nd issue of the Daily Business Review. The piece, titled With Pope’s Challenge Comes Call for Attorneys to Fight Climate Change, lauds the recent landmark encyclical by Pope Francis which concludes that it can no longer be contested that human activity is one of the main causes of climate change.
Media Appearances
Dr. Roza Pati, Founder and Director of The John J. Brunetti Human Trafficking Academy, provided an expert interview to the Florida Catholic regarding how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated human trafficking (April 2021).
St. Thomas Law Professor interviewed for article entitled Sex and the Super Bowl: St. Thomas University’s next Human Trafficking Academy to scrutinize sports-related predators
Human Trafficking Academy director, Dr. Roza Pati, was recently interviewed on Catholic Close-Up with Michael Roberts on the Living Bread Radio Network regarding the social phenomenon of human trafficking.