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60 Seconds to STartUp

By October 11, 2016STU News
Do you have an innovative idea or product? This is your opportunity to make it a reality! 

STU’s 60 Seconds to STartUp competition is for undergraduate and graduate students looking to turn a startup idea into a real company. It’s a winner-take-all opportunity for ventures to get visibility, direct one-on-one mentorship with local entrepreneurs, funding, and bragging rights.
With Global Entrepreneurship Week right around the corner, Nov. 14-20, this competition is designed to help and flourish STU’s entrepreneurship community.

All participants need is a smartphone or video camera and an Instagram account.

How to participate:

Simply submit your pitch before October 31, 2016, by uploading your 60-second video to your Instagram feed, and using the hashtag #STUGEW16. You can also DM the video to @stthomasuniversity.

It is crucial that you use the hashtag #STUGEW16 and that your profile is public, otherwise we will not be able to find your video. If you want to keep your profile private, you can direct message the main STU Instagram account @stthomasuniversity.

What’s in it for you:
Our panel of judges will pick the top 10 videos/pitches, which will compete during the final judging around. Make sure to promote your video online, as the submission with the most votes (“Likes”) on Instagram will also make it to the final judging round!

The winner will receive a combination of cash prizes, business services, as well as tickets to eMerge Americas 2017 – a prize package valued in excess of $3,000.

Judging Criteria:
While there isn’t a set of rules written in stone, the following points are intended to give you some guidelines and an idea on how to prepare. Make the pitch your own, have fun, and put yourself out there.

  • Be yourself.
  • Be concise. Your pitch should take no longer than 30-60 seconds.
  • Be Clear. Use language that everyone understands. 
  • Be Powerful. Use words that are powerful and strong. 
  • Tell a Story. A short story, that is. 
  • Targeted. A great elevator pitch is aimed for a specific audience. 
  • Be Goal Oriented. A great pitch is designed with a specific outcome in mind. What is your desired outcome?
  • Keep it simple. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

How to nail your pitch in 60 seconds:

  • Step 1: Your Vision
    Who are you? What do you do? How do you do it? Why do you do it?
  • Step 2: The Problem
    Address the problem your business solves. Who is suffering from this problem? What does your product do?
  • Step 3: The Solution
    Discuss why your product is the solution and what sets it apart from anything else in the marketplace. Ideally, you want to try and tell a story relating to your business. Something that sums up an achievement or something you’re proud of.
  • Step 4: Your Business Model
    Detail how you plan to make money. Keep it simple and be specific.
  • Step 5: Sell Your Mission
    Tell your unique value proposition and what sets you apart from your competition. Why is it better than alternatives?

Suggested 60 seconds timeline:

  • 5 – 10 seconds – Your Vision
  • 10 – 20 seconds – Your Problem
  • 10 – 20 seconds – Your Solution
  • 5 – 10 seconds – Your Business Model
  • 5 – 10 seconds – Your Mission  


    Marlen Lebish

    Author Marlen Lebish

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