On February 18, 2022, Chief Justice Charles T. Canady of the Florida Supreme Court spoke to St. Thomas University College of Law students and faculty on the Hallmarks of Professionalism.
Chief Justice Canady noted that at the heart of professionalism is having respect for your clients, the court, your adversaries and having self-control, which is a form of self-respect. He encouraged students to argue the presentation of the facts of their case without attacking the motive or integrity of their adversary (i.e., be intellectually aggressive, not personally aggressive).
Chief Justice Canady ended by quoting Proverbs 12:16 “Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult,” and Winston Churchill, “Much has to be accepted with a shrug, a sigh, or a smile.”
The Moot Court Room was standing room only, with a number of individuals viewing the event from an overflow room. A huge thank you to State Representative J. David Borrero (‘ 20) for making this event possible.
A wonderful reception followed in the Cordero Breezeway at the law school.