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FOCUS Missionaries Join STU’s Campus Ministry Program

By October 5, 2015STU News

St. Thomas University kicked off the academic year with a new Chaplain, a new home, new programming and now new missionaries to help students connect with their faith.  Ninoska Moratin and Maria Elena Botero are FOCUS Missionaries who will spend the next year on campus with our students. FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, is a national outreach program that meets college students where they are and invites them into a growing relationship with their faith. Over the course of 17 years, FOCUS missionaries’ work has spanned across the country to touch lives on the college campus; this academic year FOCUS missionaries are on 113 campuses across the country, reaching out to students through Bible studies, retreats, conferences, and one-on-on mentorship.
You can meet the FOCUS Missionaries at Campus Ministry’s new office and lounge located in Dooner Hall 111,  where they brew fresh coffee throughout the day. For information on programs, or to contact the FOCUS Missionaries, email Follow Campus Ministry on Instagram: stu_campusministry; Facebook: STU Campus Ministry; and Twitter: @stuCamMin.

Marlen Lebish

Author Marlen Lebish

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