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Lent: 40 Days of Spiritual Reflection

By February 18, 2015STU News

Lent is a time for renewal, simplicity, prayer, spiritual reflection, hope, compassion, refuge, family, friendship, love and kindness; a time of rejoicing and celebrating that we were all created in God’s image and likeness, and a time in which we are called to remember what we truly are as a Catholic Institution.

The St. Thomas University community marks this 40-day period of preparation for Jesus Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday with various liturgical and spiritual activities developed by our Campus Ministry team. The St. Thomas University Office of Campus Ministry invites our students, alumni, parents, friends and faculty to journey through the Lenten Season – one of the major liturgical seasons of the Catholic Church – by participating in our daily and Sunday Celebration of the Eucharist (Mass), taking advantage of the times offered for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession),  joining us for Wednesday night Soup, Bread, and Spiritual Reflections, and participating in other opportunities that enrich your faith. 

“St. Thomas University’s ability to provide our community of students, alumni and friends with a spiritually enriching experience to complement their intellectual, personal journey is what makes this university so special,” said Campus Ministry Director Claudia Herrera.

From Ash Wednesday Mass with Archbishop Thomas Wenski at the Chapel of Saint Anthony to mark the beginning of Lent, to one-day retreats, nights of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, a Lenten Food drive, a 40-day Acts of Kindness Lenten Challenge, and the culmination of this time of penance and preparation through the celebration of the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday – the first day of the Easter Triduum – followed by Good Friday services and the celebration of the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday, the season of Lent at St. Thomas University provides opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal for everyone. 

For more info visit our Campus Ministry webpage or email

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Marlen Lebish

Author Marlen Lebish

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