The 2016 edition of The Princeton Review – Best 173 Law Schools has been released and St. Thomas University School of Law has maintained its Top 10 national ranking for having the “Best Environment for Minority Students.” St. Thomas Law is the only Florida law school to be ranked in this category and now has added a new, Top 10 ranking – “Most Diverse Faculty.”
The survey ranked St. Thomas University School of Law as one of the best institutions to earn a law school degree based on student’s high regard for our academics and Princeton Review’s assessment of institutional data that is collected from the schools. They solicited the opinions of 19,700 students attending these law schools who reported on their experiences at their schools on an 80-question student survey.
The “Best Environment for Minority Students” ranking is based on the percentage of the student body that is from underrepresented minorities and student assessment of whether students receive equal treatment by fellow students and faculty, regardless of ethnicity.
The “Most Diverse Faculty” ranking is based on the percentage of the law school’s faculty that is from a minority group and the student assessment of whether the faculty is made up of a broadly diverse group of individuals.
Based in Miami, Florida, St. Thomas Law has continually attracted a diverse student population and is a highly-regarded, student-centered law school where diversity is cherished, a commitment to human rights and international law flourishes, and the Catholic heritage of social justice enhances the education of all faiths.
“The recognition is consistent with our mission: to provide opportunities to those groups that have been and continue to be underrepresented in the legal profession,” stated Dean of St. Thomas University School of Law, Alfredo Garcia. “We adhere and live up to our mission and values in our continuing quest for excellence.”
The Princeton Review is an education services company known for its college rankings and line of 150 books published by Random House. It is not affiliated with Princeton University.