Following the invitation by the Pope during the general audience of Wednesday, August 26, 2015 the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace encouraged the organization of prayer meetings around the world to celebrate the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, on Tuesday, 1stSeptember 2015.
St. Thomas Law’s Graduate Program in Human Rights, directed by Professor Roza Pati sponsored the event at The Chapel of St. Anthony at St. Thomas University.
Students, faculty and administrators attended the hour-long prayer and adoration.
A group of participants including St. Thomas University President Monsignor Franklyn Casale, students, faculty and staff attended the event hosted by St. Thomas Campus Ministry under the auspices of Professor Dr. Roza Pati, Law Professor and Member of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
A Reflection On the World Day of Prayer
by Diana M. Barroso– Dueñas, Law School
We all together!
O God of the poor,
Recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite
Day and night!
During A World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation,
All-powerful God
You are present in the whole universe and in the smallest
Of your creatures. O Lord, we pray in our struggle
For justice, love and peace.
Pour out upon us the power of your love to
And care for your creation. O Lord,
You embrace with your tenderness all that
Reminding us that each day we have a new opportunity to stand together against all threats to life.
Fill us with peace, O Lord that we may live as brothers and sisters, harming no one.
O Lord, bless all of your creatures as a sign of your wondrous love, and we will
Reverence all that you have created for us.
Teach us to discover the worth of each thing and how to
Heal your creation over and over.
Encourage us O Lord; we have come to protect your creation.
Come to discover some new beauty every day in God’s creation,
Amazing flowers and trees,
Rainbows in the sky,
Everything was created for us,
On care for our common home.
Full of magic!
Come to listen to the “music of the universe”
Raindrops pattering the roof, water flowing over rocks,
Earth sustains us
And keeps us
To be filled with awe and contemplation.
I ask you
O Lord, to help us to end the suffering of the poor and bring the healing we
Need for all of your creation.
“The human person grows more, matures more and is sanctified more to the extent that he or she enters into relationships, going out from themselves to live in communion with God, with others and with all creatures.” (Laudato Si’: 240)