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STU Continues Admission by Gaokao Examination

By June 17, 2016STU News

For the second year in a row, St. Thomas University (STU) is admitting students based on their scores on the Chinese university entrance exam, the gaokao, and their performance in an in-person interview with a university representative.

The gaokao, or “high exam,” is a grueling, two-day exam held annually in China, and is a prerequisite for entrance into almost all higher education institutions. STU’s program offers students another option – matriculation at a U.S. university with a strong commitment to diversity, leadership development, and academic success.

“From the success of last year’s students who have been admitted through the gaokao admissions process, we know that such students are committed to achieving a higher education degree,” said STU Provost and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Irma Becerra. “We encourage and applaud the strong desire of these students to begin the next chapter in their education.”

Chinese students who meet the test score qualifications, and successfully interview can expect formal letters of admission from STU within a week. This fast track admissions process allows students to quickly schedule visa interviews and begin classes as early as fall 2016. This program is available to a limited number of students seeking a study abroad living and learning experience.

STU is one of only four universities accepting gaokao examination scores in the United States. Other schools who have adopted a similar admissions approach are: University of San Francisco, Suffolk University, and Brigham Young University.

Marlen Lebish

Author Marlen Lebish

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