Dr. Plunkett joined the School of Science in 2002 after completing his post-doctoral program at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. He teaches Biology at both the undergraduate and graduate level. His current research program in neuroscience is focused on axonal growth and the role stem cells play in regeneration in the teleost zebrafish.
- Plunkett JA, Yu CG, Easton JM, Bethea JR, Yezierski RP (2001) Effects of interleukin-10 (IL-10) on pain behavior and gene expression following excitotoxic spinal cord injury in the rat. Exp Neurol 169: 144-154.
- Vajn K, Plunkett JA, Tapanes-Castillo A, Oudega M (2013) Axonal regeneration after spinal cord injury in zebrafish and mammals:differences, similarities, translation. Neurosci Bull 29(4):402-10.
- Tapanes-Castillo A, Shabazz F, M’boge M, Vajn K, Oudega M, Plunkett JA (2014) Characterization of a novel primary culture system of adult zebrafish brainstem cells. J Neuroscience Methods 223:11-19.
- Vajn K, Suler D, Plunkett JA, Oudega M (2014) Temporal profile of endogenous spinal cord repair in the adult zebrafish. Plos One, Aug 26; 9(8).