Graduation Frequently Asked Questions
1. If I attend my designated Graduation Expo event, do I need to attend any make-up dates?
2. I applied for graduation, but I have not received any information regarding any of the graduation activities, what do I need to do?
Correspondences are sent regularly directly to all eligible graduates via your STU email address, which is the official mode of communication. If you have not activated your STU email account it is recommended that you do or you will not receive important graduation information. For your convenience all information is available on the STU web; click on the Students ( link, then click on Commencement Services under the Resources for Students heading.
3. How can I obtain information regarding graduation activities?
All information is available on the STU web; click on the Students ( link, then click on Commencement Services under the Resources for Students heading.
4. Do I have to pay for my cap and gown?
Yes, there is a cost for the cap and gown. All graduating students with plans of participating in the ceremony must order the appropriate cap and gown on during their designated Graduation Expo date or Online. There will be no other opportunity to place cap and gown orders.
5. I am a graduate student can I use my undergraduate cap and gown?
No, the cap and gown for graduate students is different from those for undergraduate students.
6. I’m graduating with honors, when will I get my honor cord?
Undergraduate honor students will receive their honor cord(s) at the Baccalaureate Mass.
Graduate students do not receive honor cord(s).
Graduate students will receive written notification regarding academic honors and honor cords from the Registrar’s Office.
7. How many guests can I have at the graduation ceremony?
Each graduating student will receive four (4) tickets. Each guest must have an admission ticket for the ceremony. Fire marshal regulations require that every guest, including infants, have a ticket. Please note no one will be admitted without a ticket.
8. Is it mandatory that I attend the Baccalaureate Mass?
No, but we do encourage your attendance.
9. What if I or one of my guests have a disability that will require special accommodations?
Pursuant to the provision of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), any student or student’s guest that will require special accommodations to participate in this event is asked to notify the Resgistrar’s of their specific needs via e-mail at Notification must be received three weeks prior to the student’s scheduled commencement ceremony.
Designated seating for guests with handicap needs is limited. Only one individual may sit with the guest who has special needs. Your cooperation is required in order to accommodate all of our guests.
10. Are caps and gowns required for the Baccalaureate Mass?
Only the gown and hood (if applicable) should be worn over proper church attire for the Baccalaureate Mass.
11. What time should I arrive for Baccalaureate Mass?
You should arrive at Fernandez Family Center for Leadership & Wellness for line up at 6:30pm.
12. What time must I arrive at the Fernandez Family Center for Leadership & Wellness for the graduation ceremony?
All graduating students should arrive by 9:15am on the their assigned date.
13. If I arrive late to the graduation ceremony, what should I do?
A member of the graduation staff will direct graduates arriving late to the ceremony as to when they can join the ceremony.
14. I have completed a certificate; may I participate in the commencement ceremony?
No. Only degree seeking students are eligible to participate in the commencement ceremony.
15. I am an online student out of state, how do I order my cap and gown?
If you are unable to order at the Graduation Expo, please visit and type in St. Thomas University to place your order, in addition; you will need to type your student ID number without the intial and the first zero. If you are a Doctor graduate and unable to order on campus, please contact Herff Jones to place your order at 305-271-6769 or email
16. I attended the Graduation expo and placed an order for my cap and gown; how will I receive it?
All cap and gown order will be shipped to the address the student provided when ordering the cap and gown.
17. May I borrow a cap and Gown from a family member or friend who previously graduated from St. Thomas University?
No, graduation tickets are distributed based on the number of cap and gown orders.
18. How do I obtain my tickets for the graduation ceremony?
Tickets will be sent electronically to your STU email address. All tickets will be released the week prior to commencement. Once you receive the email, it is recommended you download the tickets immediately. If you do not download the tickets immediately, you risk losing your seats.
19. How may I request additional tickets and what is the maximum I may request?
All requests for additional tickets for commencement are to be emailed to Tickets are on a first come first serve basis. The maximum number of tickets a student may request is two (2). Please note the request is not guaranteed.