Grading Information
GRADES AND GRADE POINTS. The grade points are used: A=4.00; A-=3.67; B+=3.33; B=3.00; B-=2.67; C+=2.33; C=2.00; C-=1.67; D+=1.33; D=1.00; F=0.00. The following terms are used: A=Superior; B=With Merit; C=Satisfactory; D=Passing; and F=Failure. Other grade indicators are: AD=Administrative Drop (permanent grade for non-payment, no credit or grade points, used in the calculation of GPA); AU=Audit (no credit or grade points); AW=Administrative Withdrawal (permanent grade, no credit or grade points, not used in calculation of GPA); CP=Course in Progress (temporary grade for internship courses); I=Incomplete; NG=No Grade Submitted (temporary grade); NP=No Pass (unsatisfactory, for pass/no pass courses); P=(credit earned, for pass/no pass courses); UW=Unofficial Withdrawal (no credit or grade points, not used in calculation of GPA, can only be given if the student never attended the course); W=Official Withdrawal (no credit or grade points).