Student Success Technological Systems

STU Course Registration Tutorial:


To improve self-service systems for students, provide tools to for communication between academic advisors and students, and proactively advise students, St. Thomas University is implementing Student Academic Planning system, Focus 2, and InterviewStream systems beginning Fall of 2015.

  • Focus 2 is a Career Assessment tool, which aligns student’s feedback and responses to the University’s programs of study, and provides students with career exploration options.
    First-time users: Students using the system for the first time will need to enter a self-registration access code (bobcats, all lowercase), a user name (must be unique), a password (can be anything), and email address (your email address). Returning users will sign-in with their username and password.
  • Handshake is a career management tool for students and alumni seeking internship and job opportunities, and employers recruiting for talent. Students may log in using their STU email and password. Employers can create their profile and start posting their positions, free of charge. If you experience technical issues, please contact Handshake’s support team at
  • InterviewStream prepares job-seekers for entering the workforce by developing the soft skills they need to land their dream job.

The Student Self-Service (Academic Planning) system allows students to work with their assigned Professional Academic Advisor to plan and schedule courses aligned with their chosen program of study, semester-by-semester and all the way up to their graduation! Additionally, the system facilitates communications between academic advisor and advisee related to academic planning and course selection. Its automation permits students to be more aware of their commitments. Improving self-service systems for students and providing tools to improve communications between academic advisors and students is critical to student success.

Click here to see the instructional video on how to navigate the Financial Aid self service portal