Success Network
St. Thomas University recognizes and embraces its responsibility to provide students with the necessary information and resources to enable them to make enlightened decisions. To meet the challenges of maintaining excellence in education, STU has created a Success Network to offer every student access to resources, assistance, and guidance needed to complete his or her Baccalaureate Degree.
What is the Success Network?
The Success Network powered by Starfish Solutions is an online communication system that connects you, the student, to a network of support and to the resources needed to be successful at STU. Academic advisors, faculty, tutors, and many different support staff make up your “Success Network”.
Why use it?
Using the Success Network makes it easy for you to communicate and connect with the resources you need to be successful and complete your degree. You can make appointments with your assigned academic advisor as well as track your academic progress on your own. Instructors may raise “flags” to let you know when you need additional support, and they inform you how and where to find it. Instructors can also give you “kudos” and congratulate you on your success!
Who is able to use the Success Network?
Newly admitted and currently enrolled undergraduate STU students can log in and use the Success Network.
How do I log into my Success Network?
You can access and log into the system many different ways.
- Through MyBobcat (click the Success Network Tab)
- Through the Success Network
If you have any questions or concerns you can access support through
Information provided on this website is not meant to substitute for the in-depth academic advising services made available to students by meeting with an advisor.